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Replacement Grill Grids/Grates

Anyone come across a good source of replacement natural gas fired outdoor grill grids--what the food goes on?

I have a five burner stainless steel Kenmore natural gas fired grill. The five pieces of 19 inch by 6 1/3 inch gird are splitting all the length of each round rod that they are made up of. I am not very happy that these are splitting appart in the first instance. I am very happy that the Sears wants $74 each for replacements. So $350 to replace the grates on an $800 max grill.

Must be some place to get the equivalent for less than this!
Have you checked Lowe's or Home Depot? They have a pretty large selection of grill replacement parts, you might be able to find replacement grids there.
As suggested, the big box hardware stores carry Weber and Charbroil replacement parts. When it comes to the grates (aka grids, grills, racks, whatever) there are some that are adjustable in size. You can also choose to go with cast iron grates if you want something really heavy that will last.
It may be worth a shout to these gents Rob, they have a good rep on the BBQ forums.

Thanks, Jim. That seems like a good site. I having been running Google search after Google search and had not come across that one!

Thanks for the other tips. I have checked Home Depot and Lowe's, but not all that carefully as I recall, I forget why I did not . Sounds like they are worth a deeper exploration!
As suggested, the big box hardware stores carry Weber and Charbroil replacement parts. When it comes to the grates (aka grids, grills, racks, whatever) there are some that are adjustable in size. You can also choose to go with cast iron grates if you want something really heavy that will last.

Thanks. I have no problem with going to cast iron. That site Jim came up with sells cast iron grates for less than stainless steel and recommends them rather than stainless for grilling as opposed to smoking! I have an e-mail into them for prices, etc.

I am not sure I was able to find adjustable grids that made the 19 inch depth.
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