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reminded why i don't use cartridges!

i use an artist club straight and a as-d1. it was 4am yesterday and i needed to shave but i was plum tuckered out. i found a m3 in the closet. right after the shave there was a little blood. then the intense burning started which continues today. the dang thing did not even give me a close shave with three passes in three directions. now like 12 hours later i already have a nice beard going!
i am glad these suck honestly because i feel gillette represents an evil empire. that i want no part of. thankfully they can keep their razors. man, i swear they have most all men brain washed. you know how few people use a straight or de? why don't people just use a chainsaw duh. next time i need to shave fast i am just going to not shave!

anyways, it is not like you guys don't know this lol. i just figured i would drive home how bad a $5 blade stinks to anyone who will listen!

btw, i did a god prep. these things just stink. period. for me at least.
They work for some people. I think the whole "evil empire" is a little over the top. I like DEs. Just because I like them doesn't mean the rest of the world has to like them.
hahaha... The only time I take an m3 is when I travel. I am still not ready to travel over borders with DE and straight blades even though i get the same ever lasting burn as you with the m3s.
It is the old YMMV :biggrin1:
I can get a BBS from a Mach 3 using Arko, I find it easier to get a smooth shave on my neck with the Mach 3.
Being tired or in a hurry always gives me a less than perfect shave no matter what the razor. I think my prep and technique must be a whole lot better as the mach 3 used to give me a rash and little weepers.
ok guys sorry for the rant. i guess the truth is ymmv. some people would in fact injure themselves with a straight. so i guess whatever works. i just don't like gillette because they have cornered a market but honestly that is capitalism at it's best. personally i would rather see de on shelves but that is me.
I will occasionally use one of my Trac II aftermarket handles just because I like them and they can give a descent shave when used with the same prep that I use when using a DE. They work well for short term travel by air.


Just some food for thought on this topic.....

I wonder if we would all be so mystified by our shaving gear if we could just get it in the walmart isle..... just thinking.....
I've mentioned it before but if you are going to limit your sample size to b&b members every one has the most sensitive delicate skin so much so if the wind blows the wrong direction men all over break out in razor burn. Top it off all men have the coarsest, wire-y steel wool of a beard.

But in real world numbers you know the ones Gillette cares about........ their products work.
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i use an artist club straight and a as-d1. it was 4am yesterday and i needed to shave but i was plum tuckered out. i found a m3 in the closet. right after the shave there was a little blood. then the intense burning started which continues today. the dang thing did not even give me a close shave with three passes in three directions. now like 12 hours later i already have a nice beard going!
i am glad these suck honestly because i feel gillette represents an evil empire. that i want no part of. thankfully they can keep their razors. man, i swear they have most all men brain washed. you know how few people use a straight or de? why don't people just use a chainsaw duh. next time i need to shave fast i am just going to not shave!

anyways, it is not like you guys don't know this lol. i just figured i would drive home how bad a $5 blade stinks to anyone who will listen!

btw, i did a god prep. these things just stink. period. for me at least.

Yep. I keep thinking I will try one for old time's sake to see if my skills have improved to the point that I will get a good shave with a cartridge. You just talked me out of it. Again.
there were good cartridges. i meant ones with more than two blades. i should have been more specific. i am just too sensitive for a m3 or fusion. i am also older. my dad taught me his straight and that is all i ever used. until a few months ago i got the feather de. i will say gillette,shick are very smart at marketing. the last thing they would do is put that india market razor in walmart. i meant with this thread me personally. i understand they work well for millions of people. honestly, my face still hurts! i realize most men are not that sensitive. on the other hand a lot of men would cause a blood bath with a straight. perhaps it is a lost art of sorts. nonetheless i suppose gillettes sales numbers speak volumes. unless.....i have it all wrong and there is a learning curve with a m3 lol.
I've mentioned it before but if you are going to limit your sample size to b&b members every one has the most sensitive delicate skin so much so if the wind blows the wrong direction men all over break out in razor burn. Top it off all men have the coarsest, wire-y steel wool of a beard.

But in real world numbers you know the ones Gillette cares about........ their products work.

LOL Awesome post !!! :thumbup:
just wondering...was that a brand new mach 3 cart or has it been sitting somewhere in the closet for a long time? because blades can rust or loose their sharp edge if exposed to air for a long period of time. just asking
So should we have a forum area for cartridge razors? There must be millions of men out there using them and quite a few SWMBO's too. My technique has improved vastly be doing some of the things I have read on this site and finding Arko was a gift from the gods ... so maybe a 5 blade wonder is the perfect razor for me [ could it be as perfect as a good Tech ]
So should we have a forum area for cartridge razors? There must be millions of men out there using them and quite a few SWMBO's too. My technique has improved vastly be doing some of the things I have read on this site and finding Arko was a gift from the gods ... so maybe a 5 blade wonder is the perfect razor for me [ could it be as perfect as a good Tech ]

No. Either SWMBO starts shaving those legs with a DE or a Straight Razor, or she does not get a forum.
I am now comitted to traditional shaving with a DE razor and Brush, I have 7 DE Razors and 4 Brushes and a selection of creams and potions that are well known in this forum, but heres my point. I have an Edwin Jagger Fusion Razor for travelling with carry on luggage, I also used to use cartridge blades before I discovered DE Razors. To be perfectly honest I can get just as good a shave from the fusion as I can with any of my DE Razors, the Fusion gives me no irritation or risk of cuts whatsoever.
Of course it doesn't give me the pleasure or satisfaction or that special "feel good" factor of using traditional products but modern Cartridge Razors do work for most people otherwise Gillette and the like wouldn't be as successful as they are.
Just wondering, how old was the cartridge? If it had been lying in the closet unwrapped and gathering dust for a few years that may explain the instant irritation.
Just wondering, how old was the cartridge? If it had been lying in the closet unwrapped and gathering dust for a few years that may explain the instant irritation.

This. I found my old Quattro buried in one of my dresser drawers a few days ago and that's all I could imagine when reading this. After sitting around for nine years, the cartridge did not look like something I'd want to put anywhere near my face.

Cartridges get a really bad rap around here. Yeah, they cost way more than they're worth, but they will give you a good shave and they'll do it quickly. Would I ever buy them again? No. Would it kill me to use one again? No.

Sometimes it seems like people here just like to hate on cartridges because it's the cool thing to do.
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