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REGRET Selling my Straights

I had a nice collection of 24 straights a about 3 years ago and I was shaving with a straight everyday. Then I got more into my senses so sold half of them but still had a nice collection of TI's, Filly, Dovo. I then got into the watch collection and sold all but two but now I kind of regret selling all my Filarmonica's because they were absolutely NOS and never used, and I actually had 3 of those and only used 1, and another minty condition one that I picked up on B&B for $200. I also had a doble temple #14 that I got for $200. At one time I had 4 almost new Doble Temple's and the carton the razors come in (holds six razors) which I sold when I sold two of the DT#13's.

I also miss a couple of my TI's as it seems "Le Canadien" branding is not so easily available now that rasage poulin has shut down. The "Spartacus" brand also doesn't have the gold wash as before.

Even Dovo's are harder to find. I sold them first because I figure they would be easier to replace once I decided to get back into straights. But the online vendors are almost completely sold out of Dovo's at the moment. Since I no longer have my hones I'd only want a shave ready one too.

Anyway, probably won't go as crazy into collecting again, and since I don't shave with straights everyday anymore I am not willing to shell out the big bucks for those Filarmonica Doble Temple's when they are advertised as NOS and clearly they have been used!
I am thinking of getting a Prima Klang again. The first one I had was nice, but it was far from my favorite razor. Now that my technique is much better I think I'll enjoy it more.
I regret selling every single razor I have ever sold. I truly wish I could have kept them all.

But then I'd sort of be like one of those crazy old ladies with a house full of cats, except it'd be razors...
Well, I went from about 30+ to 24, then 12, then a 7 day set, I had 7 for a long time but I sold them all but Le Grelot and Le Canadien TI wheatfield...because I wasn't using straights very often anymore, and wanted to buy a new watch (and my wife said why do you need so many?).
Now I'm having a bit of regrets because to get the favorite ones that I sold awhile ago back would cost me even more since they are harder to find and prices have gone up a bit.
You can regret all you want, they are gone. It's something that probably happens a lot, better think long and hard before you make such a decision. But hey they are only razors ....
Well, I went from about 30+ to 24, then 12, then a 7 day set, I had 7 for a long time but I sold them all but Le Grelot and Le Canadien TI wheatfield...because I wasn't using straights very often anymore, and wanted to buy a new watch (and my wife said why do you need so many?).
Now I'm having a bit of regrets because to get the favorite ones that I sold awhile ago back would cost me even more since they are harder to find and prices have gone up a bit.

Let us all learn from this, my brothers.

#1- NEVER sell off your straight razor collection

#2- NEVER listen to your wife!

I don't have any collector items or expensive razors so there is really nothing to miss. I have given most of the ones I have worked on away to others to try out and I certainly don't regret that at all. Once I make razors from scratch, I will likely keep them for myself.
i regret buying all mine
the only thing i don't have is one in ivory, once i find that, i will quit
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Hmm that's quitters talk ;-) hehe ok cheesy jokes apart I probably regret almost every razor I sold. I'd echo the advice to think long and very hard about selling before doing it
Hmm that's quitters talk ;-) hehe ok cheesy jokes apart I probably regret almost every razor I sold. I'd echo the advice to think long and very hard about selling before doing it

What's that you say?

(OK, so it's a cheap shot......:tongue_sm)


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Oh, and I am also a member of WAA, Watch Addicts Anonomous. I like analog watches, BIG anologs clocks, and when I bought this, my wife said I needed help. I still find myself lusting after watches, but i've been clean for a couple of years now.
Well, when I think about it the value of my Omega Aqua Terra is probably worth more than all my straights when I had 24...
so int hat way I don't regret it quite as much, I also have several really nice watches and my ''cheapest'' watch is over $600, which is far more than I spent on any single straight.

I enjoy the watches all day, whereas my razors I got to use for about 10 minutes a day and look at them occassionally. So in that perspective I dont' regret as much :p
I recently got into a car accident and had to pay $3000 to get my car fixed. I have 6 razors that would sell for that much, total. Instead of selling those 6 razors, I got a bank loan...NEVER sell your babies! I'd regret it immensely if I did!
I'm thinking of selling some to make room for new ones but there are at least seven I'd never sell: The #14 Filly, Wacker and Chronik that have been masterfully rescaled by mycarver, a W&B celebrated, a Dorko and a le Grelot with ivory scales and my Hart.
i'm starting to build up my own "collection". just want to try, what is the best shaver for me. thought i will sell what will not work for me. mhhhhh maybe i should hold them all...
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