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Refreshing an edge by a newbie

I received a straight with a very keen edge and I feel as though my stropping/poor technique have been slowly deteriorating it, even though I have only shaved with it maybe 3-4 times. I have probably stropped 500 passes overall. It still shaves very decent, but not as sharp as I would like.

I have a Filly strop with the back pasted with CrOx... only a small narrow strip is pasted with the CrOx. I have tried it and maybe it's me, but it doesn't really seem to do anything to the razor. I have tried 5-10 passes on CrOx, wipe the blade, then strop 50 on leather side. I can't really even hear anything happening when I strop on CrOx.

Is it just me? Is my Filly not loaded with enough CrOx? How should I go about refreshing the edge? Should I get a C12k or should I put some more CrOx on the Filly rough side? Maybe a diamond paste on something?

I'm looking for the cheapest method to keep the edge going while I figure out my technique and if I will stick with it. I though about a barber's hone, but it seems like a C12k is about the same price and is more useful in the long run if I ever decide to restore/hone for keeps.

Sorry for long post and thanks!


Wanting for wisdom
I may be wrong but the impression I get is that you are trying too hard.

When I first started with straights I used too much downward force when stropping, despite reading otherwise, because I wanted to feel, hear, see, something happen. Likewise I used too much pressure when honing and also when shaving. About 7 passes on CrOx is about right. I'd go for a barber hone or a 4K/8K combination over the Chinese 12K. (12K is a finishing hone . . . not so much needed for a restore) I found it difficult at first to tell if my bad shaves were coming from a not so sharp blade or poor technique. In my case it was a bit of both.

You might find that some good really light blade stropping on canvas and leather get you back to a good starting point as far as sharpness. While shaving you want to be concentrate on cutting the hair not pressing into the skin. . . again light strokes.

Good luck.
I'm doing my best to use light pressure, just enough to keep the spine in contact with the strop with the edge following. I'm not sure if my best is still actually too much pressure. When shaving, I have not run into significant razor burn so I do believe I am using a light enough touch.

If I decide to hone, I will probably get a Norton 4/8, but for now I am just interested in learning good stropping and maintaining a good edge after a pro has honed it to shave readiness to me. I am just unsure which is the best option to do that: CrOx vs C12k vs barber hone.

I am also unsure if the rough side of my Filly pasted with CrOx is doing anything. I have tried 5-10 passes and I have tried 20-30 passes followed by 50 on the leather and I don't feel any significant difference. Some arm hairs are shaved, some are not. The actual shave is becoming somewhat uncomfortable with tugging at times. I have been using a fairly flat angle.
Too much chome ox dulls an edge fast. Even though you cant hear it working its doing alot of things microscopically. Use light stokes and only a few, you just might need a few stokes on a stone to shape the edge back up in to a V
Too much chome ox dulls an edge fast. Even though you cant hear it working its doing alot of things microscopically. Use light stokes and only a few, you just might need a few stokes on a stone to shape the edge back up in to a V

thanks for the reply. so you think a c12k is worth getting for me? should i consider a barber hone at all?
I think it depends its all preference really. I personally think a C 12k is good most barber hones can be harsh, unless you find a fine one. just my 2 cents


Staff member
I think it depends its all preference really. I personally think a C 12k is good most barber hones can be harsh, unless you find a fine one. just my 2 cents


I agree with this. Also, if you want to use CrO I recommend having it on a solid surface like a bench strop or a paddle. Less chance of rolling the edge.
I just tried some TI paste on a piece of felt, 10 laps and boy it stepped up the edge a bunch!

If you'd like I have 3 more felt strops from the piece I got, and plenty of paste for all of them. I can mail you one. (It's only 3x6")
I just tried some TI paste on a piece of felt, 10 laps and boy it stepped up the edge a bunch!

If you'd like I have 3 more felt strops from the piece I got, and plenty of paste for all of them. I can mail you one. (It's only 3x6")

That sounds like a gentlemanly offer! I'd be happy to pay for the postage!
C12k is fine, very slow stone though personally i use either a naniwa 12k or my favourite 16k shapton gs.

Cromox is more for a light refresh and only good for 2-3 times before you'll find yourself needing to go back to a stone.

Personally for a light retouch i use ceox but that's usually because i prefer razors that use softer metals, as ime they develop the best edge albeit fragile in the hands of a newbie.
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