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Reevaluating Number of Shaves on a Blade

I use Israeli Red Persona blades and I love them. Traditionally, I have discarded them after three shaves (3 passes plus two more neck cleanups), four tops. I don't know why, but I decided recently to see what would happen with more shaves on the blade.

To my surprise, I am still getting BBS shaves after six and seven uses. I keep thinking, "This shave will be rough or not satisfactory," but it comes out beautifully. I don't have a thick beard, but my whiskers are very tough. It actually seems that the later shaves are better than the first two or three, almost as if the blade has been dulled enough to prevent cuts and weepers. I am actually experiencing none of these on the later shaves whereas a new blade gives me more of them.

I am going to put this current blade through its paces. I'll use it, and if I get a great shave I'll keep it in the razor. I may just have tripled my blade money.
the reds for me were not as good i got 3-4 tops then they started to tug and pull. heck if you can get 7 and its comfortable go for it!!
The problem starts when you put a fresh blade in and start pushing like you were with your 6+ shave blade.. then the razor burn comes out. Blades are inexpensive and plentiful, but you only have 1 face!

Rather then depending on a false economy like trying to get 7 shaves out of a 15 cent blade, why not try to save somewhere that it will count.. like drinking 1 less coffee per month, or using up all of your existing cream/soap product before buying anymore.. :lol:
I am always surprised to hear folks say they toss out a blade after 2-3 shaves. I find that they are just starting to mellow out at that point.

Six to eight shaves is average for the blades I use (and I use every brand made).

I get tired of looking at a blade before it is time to toss it out :001_smile
i dont know, i prefer a shave from a fresh blade personally or maybe shave #2. i dont like them nearly as much when they mellow out. i usually use them 3 sometimes 4 but i dont like blades most of the time at 6-7+ shaves then its like trying to plow through concrete hair lol.. but i have VERY tough hairs so maybe thats why.
As a noob, I just do 2 days (3 passes and touch up) and replace. But I could be missing out by the sounds of it. Back to the drawing board.
More power to you if you can manage to get more. I've revisited this myself a few times now, thinking that maybe my technique in the early stages caused me to only get 3-4 good shaves from the blades, but nope, every time still I push it past 4, my face reminds me of why I don't do that. Luckily, blades are cheap enough that I don't feel bad only using them for 3-4 shaves.
I use a blade until I feel it is not performing then out it comes and in goes a different blade. I don't try to stretch them, they go when it is time for them to go. I will typically have half a dozen different brands of blades unwrapped so it is no big to pop a blade out and slide a different one in mid shave since I don't have to fiddle with unwrapping a different blade, just pick it up and keep shaving.

I have tossed blades at 4 shaves and I have had them make it through the 6 papers twice (12 shaves) so there is no rhyme or reason as to how long a blade will last for me.

I have a fine beard that is mostly grey now so I am not cutting down fence posts when I shave.
I'd use my Sensor cartridges for 2-3 weeks, head shaving twice a week shaving face 5 days a week becuase they were expensive. Since I began DE shaving 3 weeks ago, I'm using a 3 face/1 head shave per blade rule as I go through my blade sampler.
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