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Red Personna Blades

Everyone is always raving about how good the Red Personna blades are, so I tried one this morning in my Gillette Super Speed. I got half way thru my shave and threw it away. To much pulling and the shave was not comfortable at all. Went back to a Feather blade.
As always, YMMV.

I'm very fond of RPs. Feathers are nice too, but I get a bit of irritation from them to tell you the truth.
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I didn't find the Red Pack Personna's to be quite as good as the Israeli Personna. Close, but not quite the same. The Feather blades are significantly sharper than the Personna's so you will be used to the slicing through hairs with greater ease. You'll have to adjust your shaving technique to the Personna's character if you want them to perform better. However, if nothing is wrong with your Feather's, why change?
I didn't find the Red Pack Personna's to be quite as good as the Israeli Personna. Close, but not quite the same. The Feather blades are significantly sharper than the Personna's so you will be used to the slicing through hairs with greater ease. You'll have to adjust your shaving technique to the Personna's character if you want them to perform better. However, if nothing is wrong with your Feather's, why change?
Okay now I am confused. I purchased a red Personna pack from WCS to try out. I thought that the red pack WAS made in Israel? When I first tried them, I was not impressed. I got the same thing. Blade skipping, irritation. But I found myself later going back to them to give them another try. I got at least 4 shaves out of the next blade. Quite good and impressed. Perhaps the first blade out was not so good.

I got some when I bought my B&B essentials brush and they work every bit as well as my IP blades that I am so fond of. They seem to be a very good value but might not be as sharp as your feather blades. For what its worth, I cant even use a feather blade without ripping my face apart.

My last two shaves have been with a Red Personna. I equate them with Crystals. They don't seem as sharp and smooth as the Astra, and they are definitely not as sharp as Feathers. They did not give me the tugfest that vertical Derbys did, though.
So red pack Personnas = red Israelis, and Crystal Super Platinum = blue Israelis, yes?

I'm in the same boat, trying to figure out what is what...
red pack Personnas=Red IPs
Crystal Super Platinum=Crystals

Hope that helps. :laugh:

Well... when you put it like that it's clear as day, now isn't it? :lol:

I swear I've seen the Crystals referred to as Israelis as well as the red pack. As a newb coming into such a high-context topic (nicknames and abbreviations abound!), especially dealing with single blades that may not be brand marked (such as the Crystals), confusion comes quickly and easily :blush:

That's a big help! Thanks for the link.
I would like to see a pic of those. Must be a variant I haven't encountered.

I have the new production blades that iamdarkangel sells and they have "Blades Made In Israel" on the side of the box.


I'll do you one better: PM me your snail mail address and I'll send you an empty box. Too much photoshop skullduggery could be asserted if I just posted a picture.
Here! This is even better ;).

The current stock! Is the one I carry! Older Stock is how old design use to look.

Hope this doesn't cause confusion again!.....
I lot of people found this to be a good blade. The pricing is quite good as well, making this blade a value purchase. Personally, I found this blade to be not quite as smooth as the Israeli Personna (Super+ Platinum) blades but, as always, your personal results may vary from mine.
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