Do such shoes exist or are boat shoes generally "throw away shoes"? To my knowledge Sperry does not offer any form of recrafting. Allen Edmonds is now producing their boat shoe in the Dominican Republic, so those are no longer recraftable.
Allen Edmonds is now producing their boat shoe in the Dominican Republic, so those are no longer recraftable.
I have yet to have heard of a re-crafting service from Sperry. I don't know if shoe repair places can replace the soles, particularly since the soles are made to be non slip. Concerning the laces though, the website does sell replacement laces. To re-lace them though, must be a pain considering the lacing goes all around the shoe.
I returned a pair I had purchased because it was the wrong size. The one I received in return was one of the newer ones. On the inner sole it says "AE by Allen Edmonds", which is their line of non-recraftable shoes. I wonder why the website says different.
I shot the recrafting guys at AE an email, we should have a response shortly!
A quick call to Allen Edmonds solved this. They are recraftable. I was mistaken.
Why it says "AE by Allen Edmonds" is beyond me. It might be because The Great American Shoe Company's boat shoe is now made in the Dominican Republic.
Get these. Really doesn't get any better than that in a boat shoe.