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Recommended all-metal "Butterfly" non-adjustable vintage razor?


I currently own and enjoy a Merkur HD, which I found to be the most recommended DE (thanks to the shaving community for this).

However, I'm annoyed by the way its blade replacement mechanism works and I think I'd prefer a razor with a similar performance (balance, aggressiveness, etc.) with a "Butterfly" mechanism. Other characteristics I'd like such a razor to have are: all-metal, non-adjustable and non-slippery handle. Being vintage would be a plus.

After reading some reviews, it seems that Gillettes: Aristocrat, Aristocrat Junior and SuperSpeed fit the bill. Do you agree? Any other suggestion?


EDIT: Well, I wouldn't mind a brand new razor, as long as it is available here in Europe.
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I think the Superspeed Redtip is the closest to the agressiveness of the HD. You might enjoy having a milder option though in the regular superspeeds.
My primary razor is a Diplomat which is similar to an Aristocrat (the difference if any is debatable). It is perfect for daily shaving.
I have a late 40's Aristocrat and the diameter, weight and texturing of the handle are great. A very nice shaving and nice looking razor.

- Chris
I have a #15 Aristocrat - fantastic razor, consistently good shaves. Not cheap however - though I was lucky and bought one in stunning condition for around $20.
I really like the very earliest TTOs, which were open combs. They don't seem to clog as easily, so in that regard they offer one advantage similar to an aggressive razor. You should be able to find a shaver-grade senator or sheraton for under $20 shipped if you look hard enough (even to UK if the seller is willing to ship first class international).
I've just started using a 40s Aristocrat, plated in nickel and it's one of my favourite razors at the moment (other than my Eclipse) - very similar to the 40s Super Speed, but the heavier weight and thicker handle make it easier to control (at least for me)

My thoughts are a Diplomat, red tip, or a 40's superspeed. I started with the HD and still get great shaves but the above are definitely on par for me with the right blade ;)
I prefer my '64 flare tip SS to my earlier 48-50. The older one leaves more stubble and I prefer the look of the flare tip.

Seems like the consensus on the board here is that the older SS was a gentler razor and they seem to be preferred, but my mileage varied as they say :001_smile
I've just started using a 40s Aristocrat, plated in nickel and it's one of my favourite razors at the moment (other than my Eclipse) - very similar to the 40s Super Speed, but the heavier weight and thicker handle make it easier to control (at least for me)

Could we say then that Super Speeds have balance similar to a Merkur 33C (Classic), whilst Aristocrats has balance similar to a Merkur 34C (HD)?

Thanks for the replies.
Shick Krona. Gives a great shave, built well enough, good balance, looks good & classic, and is quite cheap, being underrated.
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