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Recommend YOUR perfect Newbie Kit

Prone to ingrowns on my neck and small red bumps on my head, I wanted to find a better way. I was introduced to wetshaving 6 years ago by the B&M store Art of Shaving. I bought the intro pack, and was immediately sold. Went back that day and bought the larger full size kit with the Pure badger brush, oil, cream and AS balm. That cost me near $125 in total that day. I was still a Fusion user and got incredibly better shaves...but always thought I'd like to try a DE or straight. Out of sight, out of mind I went about the next 5 years or so replacing the AOS products I liked. Then a discussion with another headshaving buddy lead me to B&B and DE shaving. Immediately my interest piqued, and I started reading the "vast sea of information" on this site. After going back and forth between Muhle, Merkur, EJ, safety bar/open comb/slant/etc. I basically decided to just pull the trigger on an EJ89 because it seemed to have the most overwhelming reviews. I got great shaves, but I was seeking better. Enter open combs. Next thing I know, I have an LC New, R41, FaTip...and now a few straights. I have certainly found the right match/s for my face in those. Brush-wise, I've bought and sold a few and have settled, for now, on a pair of SOC's, a Duke 2 in best, and an Omega Mighty Midget. We won't get into creams/soaps.

We've all been down the road of trying different things. Maybe you're the type that buys one thing and makes it work, good on you. Maybe your like me and are always seeking a better way. Hindsight being 20/20, I wish I had never purchased that Pure AOS brush (it's quality doesn't stand up to similiarly priced brushes on the market imo) and now I know there are products like Bigelow that would've made it much cheaper to start. Some will go pick up the kit at Target, but lets face it that's not exactly high quality. For a few more bucks, you can get some very good products.

Herein lies my question for Newbies looking to get "in" without breaking the bank: What would be your ideal kit to start out, and find your way?

Here's mine:
Brush: Omega Mighty Midget - Mixed Badger/Boar $13
Razor: Gillette Tech $10-$15 OR Gillette New $10-$20
Cream/Soap: CO Bigelow/Proraso cream $10, Cella soap $10
Blades: Sampler of your choice/price range
AfterShave: Witch Hazel $2-$6, Nivea Sensitive ASB $5

What would you recommend? (Thanks for participating, I'm sure we will help some lurkers/noobs out there!)
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Nice idea BigBull, I'll add my .02.

Razor: Pre War Fat Handled Tech w/triangle slots $10-$15
Brush: Omega 10290 Boar $9.99
Blades: Any sampler pack
Cream/Soap: C.O. Bigelow $10, VDH Deluxe Soap $2.00
Aftershave: Pinaud Clubman $6.00, Aqua Velva Ice Blue $4.00, Witch Hazel $3.00
Here's my alternative

Razor: any vintage Super Speed for 15-20, or a new Merkur 34C for about $40
Blades: sampler pack - $20
Brush: TGN handle and Finest knot for about $45, or Simpsons Berkeley Best for $45
Cream/Soap: Proraso cream and soap - $15 for both
Aftershave: any Aqua Velva - $4

Total initial costs: $110-130
This is my starter kit, and it's actually probably one of the cheapest options I found:

Razor: Gillette Flare Tip TTO (1961) - $11
Shaving Kit from Walmart - Van Der Hagen Deluxe - $10.00 which included:
Brush: Van der Hagen Boar
Bowl: Green Van der Hagen
Soap: Van der Hagen Deluxe Glycerin
Blades: WCS Sampler Pack - $12.00 shipped
Aftershave: Nivea (forgot which flavor) - $8.00

Total: $41.00

Then the RAD kicked in... Soon to buy either a Cadet TP-02 or EJ DE89L. Some Mama Bear Soap, Arko,some aftershave, col conk, tweezerman badger brush, better aftershave, ... you get the point.
Razor: Schick E2 injector (similar feel to a cartridge, but feeling the difference one good blade makes), ~$10
Blades: simple Schick injector blades, ~$6
Brush: Semogue 1305, ~$25
Cream/soap: Bigelow, ~$5
Aftershave: they choice, ~$5
Some good options so far, thanks guys. As I stated in my OP, I'm pretty bullish (no pun intended) on the Target VDH set not being a good deal. What do you get? A puck that's $2, a bowl you can get free in your very own kitchen (cereal) and a crap brush imo. Read reviews on this site and you'll see sooo many brushes around the $10-$15 mark that are much more regarded. *not trying to attack your individual post*
Razor - 40s Super Speed = $15
Blades - Average Sampler = $15
Soap/Cream - Proraso or C.O. Bigelow = $10
Brush - Good cheap Semogue Boar = $15 Average
Aftershave - Witch hazel & Vijon AS = $5

Not bad for about 60 bucks. If you wanted to go even cheaper you could get Arko and an Omega brush instead, and maybe go for a Fat handle Tech. Would drop it to around 45.
Razor: EJ89 $25
Brush: Omega Synthetic (643174) $20. No breaking in required and no 'funny smells'to discourage a newbie.
Blades: Feather, Derby, Astra SP and Shark SS $10,50
Cream: TOBS (not Sandalwood or Lime due to possible allergies) $10. Cream is easier to learn than soap.
Alum Block: $5
Aftershave: Nivea ASB Sensitive: $5

Mike H

Instagram Famous
My recommendation, not the cheapest, but a nice mid range kit.

Thayers After Shave Witch Hazel$6.00$6.00http://www.westcoastshaving.com/view_cart.asp#
Semogue 620 Pure Bristle Shaving Brush$22.00$22.00http://www.westcoastshaving.com/view_cart.asp#
Cella Shave Soap Cream$11.25$11.25http://www.westcoastshaving.com/view_cart.asp#
DE Blade Sampler Pack, Standard$15.00$15.00http://www.westcoastshaving.com/view_cart.asp#
Edwin Jagger DE89BA11 Double Edge Safety Razor, Barley Chrome$44.00$44.00http://www.westcoastshaving.com/view_cart.asp#
I've only been DE shaving since December of 2011, but here is what I got started with. I essentially wanted to try it as cheaply as possible.

These two are currently shipped free if bought together at Amazon:
Razor - Lord L5 = $11.95
Soap/Cream/Brush - Omega 46065 Shaving Set = $20.18
Aftershave - Nivea for Men Sensitive Shave Balm = $5-10 at Walmart

Total: $37.13-$42.13

The Lord includes one blade and worked well for me. The Omega is still my only brush, and the soap(which has been my primary soap) is still half full. The L5 is a decent razor, and once the newbie gets a better daily razor, it makes a perfectly acceptable travel razor.

After a couple days with that setup, I ordered:

Blades - West Coast Shaving Choice Sampler = $10+shipping
Razor - Merkur 1904 closed comb $30
Brush - Omega 643186 Synthetic -$36 (I agree with Greyzer's approach. Plus, this is my workhorse brush.)
Blade - Sampler pack $15
Cream - TBS Macca Root $16
Balm -- Nivea Sensitive - $8
A/S -- Gillette Series Cool Wave - $7

At over a C note, not a light initial investment, but these products are not likely to disappoint a newbie.
Frankly most of my list would be gathered catch as catch can, with an eye toward frugality until our noob decides if he likes it. The one thing I wouldn't cheap out on would be the blade sampler. Most of the sample packs I've seen are a tuck of Feather, a tuck of Gillette Yellow or Blue, and balance Egyptian/Greek/Pakistani/etc stuff that tend to be lightly regarded around here. If it were up to me, the prospective wet shaver would have more money in a handful of tucks of blades than he did in the whole rest of his kit.
Razor: Any user grade Superspeed ($5-10)
Blades: Sample pack
Brush: Tweezerman ($10) or low end Omega boar ($10)
Soap: VDH Delux ($3) or C.O. Bigelow ($10)
AS: Witch Hazel ($2) or Proraso splash ($15)
Fat Handled Tech with triangular holes on head if possible ($15)
Israeli Red Persona or Astra SP blades ($10 for 100)
VDH Deluxe Soap (maybe $15-$20 for a dozen on Amazon and will last you forever--well over a year)
Edwin Jagger best badger brush ($35 or so and great quality...I have only ever owned one brush...one single brush...and this is it)
Fun idea!

Razor: Merkur 38c (I like longer handles) ($50) or 23c ($30)
Blade Sampler ($15)
Cream CO Bigelow ($10)
Soap Razorock XXX ($9)
Brush Badger Simpsons Duke 1 ($70) or Semogue Boar 1250 ($17)

My main advice would be that if they wanted a badger brush, to get a better hair grade than pure badger. Also, to lather first with a cream so you can see how much you are using and then try a soap next.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Larry's whipped dog sight unseen deal with vintage straight and poor man strop kit, about $55

Large badger brush in pure grade at leas 26mm from Larry or Frank Shaving or Lijun

VDH soap and thrift store mug

Pinaud Clubman actershave

Pinaud styptic

Thai Crystal deodorant alum block

1u and 3u lapping film and polished marble tile

Spare whipped dog razor
I'm somewhat of an "all or nothing" type. When I decided to get into wetshaving, I said may as well "do it right." Straight razor from the start!

Cream=Proraso Menthol in the green tube @ $12
Brush=Simpson Pure Badger Berkley @$45
Shave Mug= Already owned several large coffee mugs@ $Free

Razor=Depends if you want to learn to strop and hone?
Yes= Dovo Special@$165 (add $75 for inexpensive leather&linen strop and honing stone)
No=Feather AC RG or Pro SS@$95 (add $15 for Feather Professional Blades)

Do NOT confuse the Feather no-sharpen straight razors with regular shavettes that use DE razor blades.
Razor: Gillette Flare Tip TTO $10 or Gillette Super Speed $15
Brush: Semogue 620 $22
Bowl or Mug: Your choice mug or bow from Walmart $3
Cream: C.O. Bigelow $20 (for 4 tubes on sale)
Blades: Personna Red $15 for 100 shipped
Alum: Crystal Stick $6
AS: Choice of Old Spice, Pinaud Clubman, Aqua Velva Ice Blue, Witch Hazel $7 or less

($79 to $88)
This would last you a good 6 months at least.
Allowing you to see what you like. If you want to move to straight razors you add a vintage Henckels ot Wade & Butcher ($25) and the stones of your choice ($185 or more).
May need a currency convertor for mine

Edwin Jagger DE86/86 - £22
Omega Pro 48 - £10
Lord blade sampler pack - £7.20 for 75 blades
Proraso green tub - £6 (or a Palmolive soap stick for 50p if you're feeling particulary stingy but I just like proraso more).
Nivea balm - £5

so around about £50, but £45 if the Palmolive was chosen, but most things there will last past newbie status and last a good while.

My mate when he bought his starter kit after I was banging on about DE shaving spent £195, so that makes my £50 a relative bargain
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