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Recommend me some boots

Well,I wear combat boots in winter.Like these http://www.zumgeier.at/images/product_images/info_images/145_0.jpg 10 holes,and a steel toe cap.
I need new boots for this winter,since after 3 years ,my old boots are...let's say...trashed:001_rolle
So far I'm thinking whether I should go with the combat boots:
or should I try these:
Unfortunately,they come in brown only and don't have any steel protection.And at first I thought"Wow these are f'ugly" ,but I seem to be curious about them.

Please help, gentlemen. Recommendations?


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
... steel toe cap ...

Do you actually need the protection? You might (for certain work requirements, or engaging in other robust activities) but I always found steel toes to be poor in winter, the metal drawing the cold into the boot and then the foot.

If you can skip the metal cap, you have a lot more options.
Red Wings are really hard to beat for the price. If you can swing the cash and don't specifically need steel toes I would recommend some Alden Indy's (any leather) with the commando or Vibram soles. Red Wings will last you a long time, Aldens will last you a lifetime.
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