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Recommend me an aftershave splash

As the title says, fire away gents...

I'm wanting something light and fresh that doesn't linger too long and I don't like Old Spice or Tabac (replace I'm/I with 'my partner':001_tongu)
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"fresh?" Only thing I've used that comes to mind is AV Ice Sport.
Unless you consider powdery as fresh smelling, grabbing a random bottle of non-store brand stuff would fit that well from a pharmacy.
I was thinking Aqua Velva Ice Sport as well, based on your (partner's) requirements.
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Very subtle scent and it dissipates rather quickly

Aubrey Organics - North Woods

Available at most Whole Foods for around $10.00.

Outstanding scent, quality ingredients, awesome price
Proraso, AV Ice Blue, or, if you're adventurous, Master Iceland Breeze. Actually, I also think The Veg fits your description, but YMMV.
I don't see how anyone of the fairer sex would dislike Pinaud Lime Sec & Citrus Musk. And they are very fresh smelling and short-lived.
Thanks for your suggestions.

Looks like that Speick is the one to go for and I'll order a bottle today, lets hope he likes it!
The shaving shop here stocks both Proraso and 4711, so I'll try those next time I'm in.
Thanks for your suggestions.

Looks like that Speick is the one to go for and I'll order a bottle today, lets hope he likes it!
The shaving shop here stocks both Proraso and 4711, so I'll try those next time I'm in.

FYI, I've used Speick balm off and on for a few months. I like how it feels going on (mild tingle), and to me the fragrance is OK. But to my wife it smells "putrid" (her word). This morning she asked me to wash it off. So I'm getting rid of it.
I don't see how anyone of the fairer sex would dislike Pinaud Lime Sec & Citrus Musk. And they are very fresh smelling and short-lived.

With Citrus Musk, I find that the citrus is short-lived but the musk has staying power, although it is subtle.
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