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Recommend a beginner's straight razor for a DE shaver

I haven't posted much to this forum, but have been shaving for around a year with a DE (having used cartridge before that). I have decided that for 2011 I will attempt to learn to shave with a straight razor.

I would like to go vintage as all advice seems to lean towards vintage being better value for money than new. Can anyone offer advice on any UK classified ads or stock from www.strop-shop.co.uk or www.theinvisibleedge.co.uk that is suitable for a beginner?

Many thanks in advance and enjoy your new year!
I cannot help you with UK sources, but do agree with your concept of buying vintage steel, well-restored.

The most important factor in learning to shave with a straight razor is to have one which is really ready to shave with. We have a list, on site somewhere, of honemeisters.


If you get a vintage blade in need of honing, perhaps you could send it out for sharpening. If you can find a blade ready to use, all the better.
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I have got my second blade from Larry here. And when i have to hone them I send them to him.Nerdman does my restoration and I can tell that post only takes at the most 10 days.

My first Dovo I bought it from Steven at Invisibledge.Excellent service.Looking for a strop in the near future and will be from Srop shop or invisible edge.-

Mr Neil Miller (www.strop-shop.co.uk) and Mr Steve Dempster (www.theinvisibleedge.co.uk) are both highly knowledgable and excellent chappies to do business with.

They can offer invaluable advice to you.

Mr Miller specialises in vintage blades, whereas Mr Dempster does both vintage and new build (Thiers-Issard & Dovo).

For a good solid razor to start with, I would recommend the Dovo Best 5/8, in either full or half-hollow. It is a well priced blade, takes a superb edge and is very easy to mainatain. (http://www.dovorazors.com/stockrazors.html).
Mr Dempsters InvisibleEdge razor is also another to consider, and is very similar to the Dovo Best (http://www.theinvisibleedge.co.uk/starterkits.html).

Good luck !

Have fun !

Best regards

I think that you should look at a 5/8-6/8 round point. The grind should ideally be somewhere between a 1/4 hollow and a 1/2 hollow. Larry at whippeddog.com is a great resource and will no doubt be able to help you out. Alternatively, the classified here and on other shaving forums are good places to pick up vintage, shave ready straights that aren't going to cost you an arm or a leg.
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