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Reclining seats on an airplane

Is it ok to recline seats on an airplane?

  • Yes, the seat was made to recline, so recline away

  • No, it is inconsiderate to the passenger behind you

  • Maybe, it depends (flight time?)

  • Who cares?

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The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Although the seat is made to recline, but it depends on the length of the flight if I recline or not. If the person in front of me reclines, in order to have my 'space'...I too have to recline (one day I'll fly Business or 1st Class). :001_rolle

"Flying Economy class is horrible...even eggs in a carton have more room". CBJ
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I voted no, but only because that was the closest choice to my opinion. I generally only slightly recline my seat. That way, it makes me a bit more comfortable, but does not bother the person behind me. If, however, the person behind me is one of those people who always grabs your headrest when getting up, I have no problem fully reclining my seat, preferably during meal time (I might recline during drink time too depending on my mood). Do not mess with my headrest :a13:
I never recline my seat as it does constitute an inconvenience to the person behind me. By the same token, when I get on a plane, I know that I am surrendering my "right" to that knee space and if the person in front of me reclines, that's his or her choice and I just have to deal with it without condeming them.

I am constantly amazed at the selfishness and inconsideration of many in our society today.

Wow, you sound like my dad.
And my daughter says I sound like grandpa. so Amen.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I insist that the person in the seat ahead of me sit in an uncomfortably erect position for the entire flight, so as not to inconvenience me.


Come on now, let's all make ourselves as comfortable as we can, recline our seats, and leave it at that. Of course, when meals are served then all should bring their seats forward again for an appropriate amount of time so that everyone can eat their food, but apart from that, recline away!!
I am constantly amazed at the selfishness and inconsideration of many in our society today.

This never surprises me any more. I'm amazed when someone is actually considerate.

I've flown exactly 5 times in my whole life.
last time was 2012

Wow! I joke that I live in the airport and I'm thinking about changing my driver's license address to the Hartsfield Atlanta airport.

If they removed about four rows everyone would be happy.

Except the bean counters.
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This is timely for me. I was on a flight the other day where the guy in front of me reclined right into my knees and he kept bouncing on them harder when the seat didn't move easily. I tapped him on the shoulder and told him what he was doing and asked if he'd please stop. He yelled that I should pay for one of the seats with more legroom. I told him he should do that if he wants to recline. I don't get a choice to buy a more expensive seat when I fly for work. It's strictly the cheapest seat available (gov't job you know). Sometimes you get lucky and have an 8-year old behind you and could get away with it. Sometimes you're unlucky and there's a 6'3" guy with freakishly long legs. Be a little considerate people :)
I don't get a choice to buy a more expensive seat when I fly for work. It's strictly the cheapest seat available (gov't job you know).

Government rules are freakishly absurd sometimes.

I have actually paid $75 for extra baggage instead of $50 for a first class upgrade - a net loss of $25 to the taxpayer mind you - because I had to fly coach. But the baggage charge wasn't part of my "ticket" price.
I'm tall, I recline. And I take umbrage with strangers telling me what I may or may not do. Ask and I'll work with you. Dictate and ... less positive results.

The recline function is included in the seat so that it may be used. At the occupant's discretion, not the person behind's. If you don't want the person in front of you to recline, fly first class.
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+1 I don't recline because I don't want someone reclining on me. When reclining seats began, there was a lot more room than there is now.

I never recline my seat as it does constitute an inconvenience to the person behind me. By the same token, when I get on a plane, I know that I am surrendering my "right" to that knee space and if the person in front of me reclines, that's his or her choice and I just have to deal with it without condeming them.

I am constantly amazed at the selfishness and inconsideration of many in our society today.
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