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recently aquired Gillette 'flare tip' before and after.

I bought this recently, it was rather dirty but worked fine so I gave it a good clean and polish and now along with my Wardonia it's one of my every day razors, generally I use Rapira, Shark, Blue Diamond or Derby blades along with Arko soap stick all give a pretty reliable shave using 3 passes.





Some people get turned off by dirty, ugly razors, but if you take the time to clean them up properly, they can go from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. Nice job and enjoy the shaves!
Cheers guys, it does shave very well and the mechanism is silky smooth in operation, being a collector of many things vintage and with a great fondness for old machinery I've always found old British chrome and nickel plate to be some of the best in the world in it's day so unless it's really been mistreated then generally it should clean up very well.
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