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Reasonably priced blades for Feather AS-D1

My 5-pack that came with the razor won't last long. $40/100 for Feather blades is much more than the $10/100 I'm used to paying for Astra SP's.

Any suggestions for blades that work real well in this razor without spending an arm & a leg?
You can order 100 Feathers for cheaper from Dr. Idiot, B&B vendor. I don't know what his price is now but I purchased 100 for $27.00.
You can order 100 Feathers for cheaper from Dr. Idiot, B&B vendor. I don't know what his price is now but I purchased 100 for $27.00.

+1 That is the only blade I have had good luck with in the AS-D1. If the annual cost of Feathers is troublesome, next time you want a pizza, fix some at home and your money ahead.
If you already have Astra blades, pop one in and see how it works for you.

I've used Astra blades in my AS-D1 several times successfully

You might grab a carton of Personna super blues (labs) off of ebay for around $13 +/- They also work very well in the Feather razor


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