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Razorock -- should I try another?

My razorock is almost finished, surprisingly enough. I need another alum block, so: should i try a different one? Price and longevity are considerations, for me. I kinda like the handle of the Razorock, but would be willing to change to something else if it was really good.
I'm an "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" kinda guy. The Razorock is perfect in my opinion, so it's probably the only alum stick I'll ever use.
The $8.00 block from WCS seems high at first, but the sucker lasts a looong time. You get a big block for your money.
I have two: Razorock and a Shavex block (avail from Classicshaving.com and other places). The Shavex sees the most use, but only because I'm preserving my Razorock in my travel kit. I also use shave sticks in my travel kit, rather than bowl soap or tub cream, merely for the convenience while traveling.

Other than the form factor, I don't notice any difference between the Shavex and Razorock alum blocks
I have a RazoRock and after a few weeks it fell out of the handle, so I have just been using my Thai Stone and it works great!
What is alum blocks used for?

I use mine as a post shave skin astringent. It seals the pores, stings a little and just feels good. I use Lafe's deodorant bar, about $10 at a local health food grocery food store. I've used it for about 6 months and only used up about a half inch.


My razorock is almost finished, surprisingly enough. I need another alum block, so: should i try a different one? Price and longevity are considerations, for me. I kinda like the handle of the Razorock, but would be willing to change to something else if it was really good.

Hello rtb,

I'll tell you what,

I'll send you a new RazoRock, an Allume di Rocca block, and an OSMA bloc for $15 plus shipping, you can test for yourself which one is better or worse.

PM me if you are interested.:001_smile
Hello rtb,

I'll tell you what,

I'll send you a new RazoRock, an Allume di Rocca block, and an OSMA bloc for $15 plus shipping, you can test for yourself which one is better or worse.

PM me if you are interested.:001_smile

Wow. Nice to see a businessman willing to put his product on the line. Thumbs up to you, sir.
I think Razorrock is nice and smooth but the surface is too smaill- I prefer the larger blocks...wish razor rock were larger because I do find it to be quite good quality.
Wow. Nice to see a businessman willing to put his product on the line. Thumbs up to you, sir.


Note to other businessmen.... be nice to us and about 500 people will read it. I've never ordered from Bullgoose, but so many people love him that he's getting my next order. I've ordered from WCS and it was a great experience.
That's an amazing offer. Be sure that I really appreciate your product, and am impressed that you're confident in it as well. Will need to wait a bit, however, and I definitely understand that this deal is a "one time only" kind of a thing.

Hello rtb,

I'll tell you what,

I'll send you a new RazoRock, an Allume di Rocca block, and an OSMA bloc for $15 plus shipping, you can test for yourself which one is better or worse.

PM me if you are interested.:001_smile
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