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RazoRock S. Maria Review

Used for the first time last night. The scent is described as Fresh Eucalyptus and that is as good as I could describe it. Lighter than Proraso for sure but very good. Didn't notice much cooling effect. Beware this stuff is thick. I loaded my brush like I was using AOS creams, way too much. It took so much water to turn it into lather I had enough for 5-6 passes. It was so thick it was a little hard to spread around my face. A little goes a loooong ways. And is very slick. You still feel the slick feeling rinsing between passes.

Ease of lathering: 10/10-- Using a small amount will work better.

Longevity of lather: 10/10--Very stable and thick as the dickens.

General skincare: 9/10--Very good because of the lanolin. And slick and protective. Good glide as well.

Scent: 9/10-- Lighter/fresher/cleaner than the usual Eucalyptus

Price: 9/10--$9.99 regular price

Would I buy again: 10/10--No question YES. Considering how little you need to it should last a long time
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Used for the first time last night. The scent is described as Fresh Eucalyptus and that is as good as I could describe it. Lighter than Proraso for sure but very good. Didn't notice much cooling effect. Beware this stuff is thick. I loaded my brush like I was using AOS creams, way too much. I took so much water to turn it into lather I had enough for 5-6 passes. It was so thick it was a little hard to spread around my face. A little goes a loooong ways. And is very slick. You still feel the slick feeling rinsing between passes.

Is it true that there is no menthol in this formula?
Just shaved with S. Maria this morning and had the same experience as the OP. Man, this has to be the most concentrated cream I've ever used!!!! You really only need a tiny bit...the lather keeps building and building and building! I was on a fourth pass just for the hell of it because my brush was still able to produce mounds of creamy merangue. I also agree that you want to use only a little otherwise it's difficult to get optimum lather quality, i.e. it will be too thick and a bit goopy.

With that out of the way, this stuff is really, really amazing. The lather it produces is very dense and slick. I got an amazing shave this morning! Definitely among the best lathers that have ever graced my mug. Zero irritation and AMAZING skin care qualities. It's definitely a more luxury cream than Proraso (better slickness, skincare properties, etc.)

The scent is really unique. It's not like any other mint I've smelled. It's kind of a mix between a light wintergreen scent and mint. Very fresh. At first I didn't particularly care for it, but it's grown on me. It's totally inoffensive at the very least and not strong at all.

FYI - there is absolutely zero cooling effect on my mug from this soap. Zero. Yes there is a tad of eucalyptus oil in it. But no straight menthol (look at the ingredients).

Overall, a 10/10 for me. It's a real winner!
Two shaves with this stuff so far (yesterday and today), and I'm of the opinion as well that this is great stuff.

Again, no menthol...this is not in the vein of Proraso at all. If you're looking for scent comparison, I'd look towards RazoRock's 888 soap/croap.

Also, The 888 a/s lotion and wax are a great complement to this cream.
I'd be greatly interested in direct comparisons with SMN. It seems to be made to be a "clone", but with no menthol? Can anyone, with experience using both, shed some light?


The Lather Maestro
For those of you wanting to know how it compares to actual SMN, I posted the ingredients list in a thread I did a while back. I'm on sabbatical for the rest of the year, so I won't be trying this, but I am also curious, and would love to see a direct comparison. The ingredient lists certainly do not track each other, so it would be hard to call this a 'clone' IMO.

From Sunflake's post above:


From my post, this is actual SMN, recently purchased, so I assume it is current.

I don't know how it compares to SMN but it has the consistency of marshmallow cream (yes it's that thick) It should last a good long time.
To me, S. Maria is almost identical to the new formulation of Omega soap. The consistency of the soap/cream is the same. The scent is the same, and the ingredients are darn close.

Deleted member 48987

Interesting, is the new formula Omega just the new formula Proraso?

To me, S. Maria is almost identical to the new formulation of Omega soap. The consistency of the soap/cream is the same. The scent is the same, and the ingredients are darn close.
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