Used for the first time last night. The scent is described as Fresh Eucalyptus and that is as good as I could describe it. Lighter than Proraso for sure but very good. Didn't notice much cooling effect. Beware this stuff is thick. I loaded my brush like I was using AOS creams, way too much. It took so much water to turn it into lather I had enough for 5-6 passes. It was so thick it was a little hard to spread around my face. A little goes a loooong ways. And is very slick. You still feel the slick feeling rinsing between passes.
Ease of lathering: 10/10-- Using a small amount will work better.
Longevity of lather: 10/10--Very stable and thick as the dickens.
General skincare: 9/10--Very good because of the lanolin. And slick and protective. Good glide as well.
Scent: 9/10-- Lighter/fresher/cleaner than the usual Eucalyptus
Price: 9/10--$9.99 regular price
Would I buy again: 10/10--No question YES. Considering how little you need to it should last a long time
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