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RazoRock Don Marco

A late evening shave, with a creamy lather from my Don Marco Bergamot Neroli soap from RazoRock. A fresh fragrance screaming luxury is topped only by the performance of the soap: so easy to load onto my bristle brush and it whips into a lather more delicious than the marshmallow it resembles. A super smooth shave and soft and moisturised face the result... my wife will regret falling asleep as I shaved!

RazoRocktober (don't just read about it on B&B, join the party and love the shave) will live on past Halloween in my den.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I will be using Don Marco exclusively during the 2014 Ultimate Shaving Challenge.
It is one of my favorites.
RR Don Marco was the first soap/cream I ever finished despite being at least the 10th one I purchased! Fantastic stuff. I finished that tub about a year ago and have missed it ever since.
I like it, but I find the lather is bolstered by the addition of a few drops of glycerin.

The new XX, on the other hand, is essentially perfect on its own. YMMV.
I just tried this for the first time tonight and was suitably impressed (the intense version). What an awesome soap.

The scent to me is more like an orange grove, more plant than fruit. If you have ever been near an orange plantation you'll know exactly what I am talking about.
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I just tried this for the first time tonight and was suitably impressed (the intense version). What an awesome soap.

The scent to me is more like an orange grove, more plant than fruit. If you have ever been near an orange plantation you'll know exactly what I am talking about.

I hadn't ever made that connection before, but I get it now that you mention it! Lots of great oranges out here in CA :)
Don Marco was my introduction to soaps. Previously I had been a cream guy. It was the scent that got me hooked. A year later I've moved on to tallow soaps like Mikes, Mystic Waters, MWF, XXX, among others BUT Don Marco will always be my first ;)
I just picked up a tub of this (along with a Palmolive shave stick and a pack of Astra blades) at Merz yesterday. I went in there for something else, and took a whiff of the Don Marco....wow! It's the scent I've been looking for to use during the deep mid-winter. Looking forward to using it for the first time later on today.
I don't know how Joseph does it but RR products are top notch and rival anything out there.

Don Marco hard soap is super easy to lather and has an amazing scent. I can't wait till the deeper wooden bowls are available.
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