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RazoRock 888 Eucalyptus

I used this soap this morning for the second or third time. Great creamy lather. It was the fourth shave for a Rapira Plat Lux blade, and it was almost identical to the first shave. Simply awesome, y'all should try this soap.
I have the King Louis, which is a lavender-scented version of the same formula. I love the richness and slickness.
Does this smell at all like proraso or more like eucalyptus EO?

I just picked up some Dr. Bronner's magic eucalyptus and am looking forward to what it does to my lungs this winter. A eucalyptus soap without the menthol kick might be a must have for me.

On another note, and maybe this thread is not the place, but does anyone know of juniper oil shaving soap?


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888 does not smell like Proraso old formulation which had the menthol kick.

agreed. i find it smells similar to PdP, which has a nice clean, fresh scent.

the wax has a more "medicinal" scent to it, but works great and the scent goes away quickly.
Sure is great. The smell isn't my favorite of RRs products, but the lather from it and the KL is the best of their formulations I think.
Just used it for my shave tonight, it's really one of the three soaps I could use daily with no complaint. If I had to.
I really like the scent of it and the AS lotion (haven't tried the wax) is one of the best products available.
Are you sure you're not thinking of the RazoRock XXX? That's been discontinued. I haven't heard anything about the 888 or King Louis being discontinued.
Just got a tub of King Louis on BST. Was really wanting to try this because of teh Lanolin, Shea Butter and oils in it. Sure enough - it left my face feeling as good or better than any other soap I can think of. Lather was rich and slippery too. I'm pleased with this product. I assume results are the same for the 888 with only the scent being different.
I ordered the RR 888 and will use it for the first time on Christmas Eve as Dec 24 is also my DE anniversary. My first shave ever with a DE razor was on Dec 24, 2008 with a Parker 89R Razor, 7AM Blade, VDH Delux Shave Soap, and the VDH Boar Brush. Wow, I have come a long way especially if you saw my shave den.
The 888 is a very good soap. It's the best of the half dozen or so RR products I've tried and none of them were bad.
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