I shaved with Single Rings for a week recently. Loved the shave, I could see the Old Type standard model becoming my "regular" use razor on a daily basis once I get past the "gotta try them all" stage in a few months. Something very cool too, about shaving with something that is 90/100 years old. And the design that launched the Gillette Safety Razor empire to boot!
I used the baking soda and hot water method. Line a shallow dish (I used an 8x8x2 pyrex dish) with aluminum foil. Use a mixture of hot water and baking soda 1 cup per gallon. With the 8x8 dish that is about 1/4 cup to 1 quart of water. Brign the water to a boil and remove from heat. Add baking soda, and immediately pour over the razor. The aluminum reacts with the baking soda and the tarnish is diminished greatly, almost completely. Use another treatment after reheating the water. After that I just gave it a quick polish with a soft rag and a little Weimans Royal Sterling polish. It's non abrasive, and specially made for silver plate. Then voila, you have the results seen in the after photos!