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Razor Identification?

Hello all,

Sorry if I'm posting this in the incorrect spot. Still pretty new here.

I've been looking to get my first straight razor for some time and I came across this razor and have an opportunity to purchase it. Could someone help me out with identifying it, and if it's any good for a first timer? Thanks for the help in advance.



Sorry this is the only image I have...

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Many times, the box will not match the razor. The razor makers name is usually on the tang of the blade, but would be on the other side of the razor. However, the razor looks nice
Many times, the box will not match the razor. The razor makers name is usually on the tang of the blade, but would be on the other side of the razor. However, the razor looks nice

I like the point on that razor, attractive scales.

However important things like are the scales warped? Is the other side of the blade covered in rust? Was it made in pakistan? Will it hold an edge? We just don't know.

If you can get it for a reasonable price, go for it. But keep in mind it's a gamble. If you flip that over and it says PAK, it doesn't mean it won't shave well but it's value is basically zero. If it says otto deutsch, it could be worth a couple hundred.
Hard to tell for sure but it looks well maintained
maybe it just needs a good honing
if you can try out how it opens and closes and checks for nicks that would be good though
Hello all,

Sorry if I'm posting this in the incorrect spot. Still pretty new here.

I've been looking to get my first straight razor for some time and I came across this razor and have an opportunity to purchase it. Could someone help me out with identifying it, and if it's any good for a first timer? Thanks for the help in advance.



Sorry this is the only image I have...
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looks like an F W Engels Lafayette to me if it is it is a very very fine shaver when properly honed. but others have used that scale design as well.
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