I am using a newly acquired Edwin Jagger fixed DE razor. I went with the fixed head because I wanted any blade to be held in place with minimal variation.
During the past few days, I've shaved with Derby, Shark and Crystal/Super+ (IP) blades. The Derby gave me an OK shave. The Shark felt like a machete against my face. The Super+ felt great!
Both the Derby and the Shark looked to my naked eye to be protruding ever so slightly above the bar and head of the razor. The Super+ appeared to be exactly flush with the bar and head of the razor.
While I was out food shopping this morning, I speculated that there was something significant here.
When I got home, I pulled out my trusty digital micrometer. Sure enough, these blades have different dimensions. Measuring several times from blade edge to blade edge, I discovered that the Shark is the largest blade, measuring 21.95mm from cutting edge to cutting edge. Next was the Derby, measuring in at 21.89mm. And then finally came the Super+ which weighed in at just 21.82mm, cutting edge to cutting edge.
These measurements correlate totally with how these blades felt against my face and how smoothly they felt as I pulled the razor ever so lightly against my stubble.
During the past few days, I've shaved with Derby, Shark and Crystal/Super+ (IP) blades. The Derby gave me an OK shave. The Shark felt like a machete against my face. The Super+ felt great!
Both the Derby and the Shark looked to my naked eye to be protruding ever so slightly above the bar and head of the razor. The Super+ appeared to be exactly flush with the bar and head of the razor.
While I was out food shopping this morning, I speculated that there was something significant here.
When I got home, I pulled out my trusty digital micrometer. Sure enough, these blades have different dimensions. Measuring several times from blade edge to blade edge, I discovered that the Shark is the largest blade, measuring 21.95mm from cutting edge to cutting edge. Next was the Derby, measuring in at 21.89mm. And then finally came the Super+ which weighed in at just 21.82mm, cutting edge to cutting edge.
These measurements correlate totally with how these blades felt against my face and how smoothly they felt as I pulled the razor ever so lightly against my stubble.