Do you guys think this would buff out? It's only $49.99
Do you guys think this would buff out? It's only $49.99
Are you insane? It would buff out but all you would have left is a box cutter!!!
Maybe, - but the scales are to die for!
Main Entry: iro·ny
Pronunciation: \ˈī-rə-nē also ˈī(-ər-nē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural iro·nies
Etymology: Latin ironia, from Greek eirōnia, from eirōn dissembler
Date: 1502
1 : a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous by adroit questioning called also Socratic irony
2 a : the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning b : a usually humorous or sardonic literary style or form characterized by irony c : an ironic expression or utterance
3 a (1) : incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result (2) : an event or result marked by such incongruity b : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play called also dramatic irony, tragic irony
synonyms see wit
you fool, why share the link - now everyone will bid and drive the price sky high!