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Rate the Aggression. Merkur Open Combs vs Merkur Slant

Merkur Open Combs or Merkur Slant - Which has the nastiest bite?

  • Merkur Open Combs: 11c, 12c, 15c, 25c

  • Merkur Slants: 37c, 39c

Results are only viewable after voting.
I have seen threads on Slants being aggressive, and Open combs being aggressive. I did a search but could not find anything that compared Merkur Open Comb razors, 11c Long Handled Heavy Duty, 12c Barber Pole, 25c Long Handled Classic, to the Merkur Slant Bars, 37C and 39C.

I thought it would be good to input our experiences here to help those who are making a decision about which one to buy next. Please only report if you have had experience with BOTH types of razors. Which is more Aggressive for you and Why?
The Open comb is quite aggressive, but the Slant shaves closer. But IMO the Open comb is more reckless, I get more cuts with an open comb than a slant.
Very good. This thread should give those who are looking at differences between a slant and open comb a chance to see everyone's "IMO" on these razors.

Thanks guys, keep posting on your experiences. Again, you must have tried both types of razors to post on this thread so new comers will have the necessary knowledge to make a decision before making their next purchase.

Keep it coming :)
cannot vote in this poll since neither of them is "nasty" nor bites...You need some time maybe to adjust to your shaving tool but both types are great and I prefer them over the classic/HD every time.
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