The 1940-1941 Milord Tech was the first production solid bar one piece safety razor and the Ranger Tech followed in 1941 as I understand it.
Don't forget the Regent and Aristocrat, also from that same pre-war period and also guard-bar razors without endcaps.
Krumholz did have a lot of errors in his book. The Regent Tech is a solid guard bar razor.
Krumholz did have a lot of errors in his book. The Regent Tech is a solid guard bar razor.
Yep, I saw a "1940 ?" set at Achim's.
Do you know for sure which was the first One Piece razor with the "solid guard bar" ?
And dont forget the errors on Waits, Many times Porter and many others have pointed it out too.Krumholz did have a lot of errors in his book. The Regent Tech is a solid guard bar razor.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.All of the reference materials (Waits, Krumholz, et. al.) provide good information, however, it is the responsibility of the members of the Traditional Shaving community to locate and provide more accurate information as it becomes known.
Considering that most of the companies no longer exist and their records were not retained, it is amazing the amount of information that is available.
Old advertisements, references in other books, and the hardware itself provides clues to the mysteries.
To the hunt!
I just looked it up in the "Complete Gillette Collector's Handbook" for my own knowledge.
And Krumholz, states - quote:
" The Milord went into limited test market in 1940 and was introduced nationally during Christmas of 1941."
and"The interesting feature of the Milord (sometimes misspelled Mi-Lord) is that this razor featured for the first time the new "solid guard bar" rather than the comb guard. "
So if Krumholz is correct, which I believe he is. That would make the 1940-41 Milord Tech the first "solid guard bar" razor that Gillette produced and should be very desirable, especially with WWII ending its short production life ?
Same with its sister in nickel the 1941 Ranger Tech.
Krumholz quotes about the Regent Tech :
"The Regent Tech was brought out for the Christmas Season of 1940........and was the last nationally introduced One Piece razor with a comb guard" and "It's production was of short duration due to the beginning of World War II, and examples are quite scarce."
So, due to WWII all three are scarce, according to Krumholz's findings.
The OP made a dang good find, especially if he got it at a decent price. I would recommend to the OP to keep his eyes open for a nice proper case and really increase its value...its a dang good shaver too...kind of set the pace for the 1940's super speed style, as I recall.
I've heard that the 1946 Ranger Tech models are rarer--probably because the reconversion to civilian production was not immediate after the war ended.