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R.I.P. Iain Banks

I was just looking for some of his books yesterday. His Culture books were my favorite Sci-Fi novels by far.
His non-SF books were pretty great too.

RIP. if you haven't read "Player of Games", now would be a good time. It's one of the best books I've read in recent years. If you can't find it, pick up any of the other Culture novels.

The Culture books were excellent, his non Culture SF is great and "The Wasp Factory" was excellent, literary and savage. Unfortunate to the extreme to the reading community, worse yet that someone is gone with so much life yet to be lived.
Of his fiction, Wasp Factory, Crow Road and Complicity are probably the best of the crop. For his Sci-Fi, start at Player of Games and be prepared to read the rest one after the next!
If you can read Glaswegian, The Bridge is highly recommended,

Agree with Rich, on the sci-fi side - start with Player of Games and work your way through.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
The Culture books were excellent, his non Culture SF is great and "The Wasp Factory" was excellent, literary and savage. Unfortunate to the extreme to the reading community, worse yet that someone is gone with so much life yet to be lived.

I've read The Wasp Factory. That was an interesting one.
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