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R I P - Ernest Borgnine

Ernest Borgnine has passed away at the age of 95.

If they go in sets of three, I worry who the third might be.
Farewell Ernie. I loved him in "Emperor of the North"


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Loved him in "Emperor of the North". RIP Ernie.
Oops, didn't realise this was a different thread, thought my other post disappeared.:biggrin1:
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A great film career and a WWII vet.

My kids were devastated when they heard the voice of "Memaid Man" of Spongebob fame had passed on.

Me, I'll watch "The Wild Bunch" again in tribute.
I watched McHales Navy as a child and loved it. RIP mate


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Shame they don't make guys like this anymore. True patriotism, he served our country and later made an amazing carrer as an actor. He made us laugh at times and watch in suspense at others. One of my favorite actors as a small child. Sunday's mornings were filled with western movies and the WW2 movies n shows with my dad. He used to tell me all those guy served an us served and were truely amazing people. Rest in peace.
A great film career and a WWII vet.

My kids were devastated when they heard the voice of "Memaid Man" of Spongebob fame had passed on.

Me, I'll watch "The Wild Bunch" again in tribute.

I recall watching Spongebob with my daughter some years ago and hearing two voices that I recognized from the past. Borgnine and Conway. I loved to point him out to her on the TV: Look honey, it's Mermaid Man!

When he played a good guy (McHales Navy), he was a guy I rooted for, when he played a bad guy (Emperor of the North Pole), he was a guy I rooted against.

A good and long life.

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