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Quitting Copenhagen

Due to sandmountainslim's thread about quitting smoking, I have decided to start a thread and track my daily struggle with quitting. The decision to quit has been taking shape over the past several months. There is not much more that I enjoy then having a nice pinch of Copenhagen in my mouth after a nice ribeye, or while doing work outside. I started back in high school and have been a one-can-a-day user for nearly 20 years. Lately I have used as much as a can and a half a day. It is impossible for my to "cut back" and use less. I've tried it before and it doesn't work for me.

Obviously my health and my family's future are my main reasons for quitting. In my warped way of thinking, I reason it out like this: if I die early, will my wife remarry? If she does, what will she do with my stuff? Will some other man smoke my cigars and finger my beloved razor collection? Not if I can help it.:lol:

In all seriousness, if I was told I had 30 days to live, it would be unbearable knowing that I couldn't see my son grow up. I want to be there for him and guide him when he faces life's challanges. So..... I have become concerned for my health and have decided to quit smokeless tobacco.

I have spent the last week mentally preparing myself for this. I have one dip in the can left. I will use that tonight as i am reading a book and before I turn out the lights. After that, I am finished.

I'd like to use this thread as somewhat of a journal for my progress and to get support from the community that I love.

sandmountainslim, congratulations on the great job and thank you for inspiring me to start this thread. No one wants to go through a struggle alone.

Good Luck Brother..... I see some cranky emails... LOL... and as far as your razors go... Cheryl should have my addy... LOL

In all seriousness when I quit Cigs I killed myself over it... till one day I just said screw it and never smoked again....
Good luck to you my friend, you're certainly making the right decision for yourself and your family. Not sure what advice I can give but I did chew for a few years back in high school too but then we moved to a new town and nobody even knew what chew was. The guys were like "what the hell are you doing?" and the girls were like "eeew, that's just gross" so I quit immediately. Must not have been too addicted as I don't remember it really bothering me...lucky I guess. Of course these new friends of mine did introduce me to this replacement product called "beer"...I think it'll be a while before I say goodbye to that one. :001_tongu

But in all seriousness, good luck and keep us posted. In the end it's totally up to you whether you succeed or not...and I think ya can! :thumbup1:
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sandmountainslim, congratulations on the great job and thank you for inspiring me to start this thread. No one wants to go through a struggle alone.


Best of luck, amigo :thumbup1:
It was one week this morning since I touched a cigarette and I was a 2 pack per day smoker for 22 years.
I admit I have been hitting the pipe bowl however. Ray makes fun of me for this but I haven't been inhaling the smoke which I consider a major improvement over swallowing 40 cigs pe day :biggrin1:
Good Luck Brother..... I see some cranky emails... LOL... and as far as your razors go... Cheryl should have my addy... LOL

In all seriousness when I quit Cigs I killed myself over it... till one day I just said screw it and never smoked again....
LOL, Connor and Craig are gonna catch hell tomorrow. I'll lay off of you due to the nice package I received today. Well for a few days at least.

Good luck to you my friend, you're certainly making the right decision for yourself and your family. Not sure what advice I can give but I did chew for a few years back in high school too but then we moved to a new town and nobody even knew what chew was. The guys were like "what the hell are you doing?" and the girls were like "eeew, that's just gross" so I quit immediately. Must not have been too addicted as I don't remember it really bothering me...lucky I guess. Of course these new friends of mine did introduce me to this replacement product called "beer"...I think it'll be a while before I say goobye to that one. :001_tongu

But in all seriousness, good luck and keep us posted. In the end it's totally up to you whether you succeed or not...and I think ya can! :thumbup1:

Thanks for the support Dave! Unfortunately in Texas, when I was in high school, some of the girls dipped too.:lol:

Due to sandmountainslim's thread about quitting smoking, I have decided to start a thread and track my daily struggle with quitting. The decision to quit has been taking shape over the past several months. There is not much more that I enjoy then having a nice pinch of Copenhagen in my mouth after a nice ribeye, or while doing work outside. I started back in high school and have been a one-can-a-day user for nearly 20 years. Lately I have used as much as a can and a half a day. It is impossible for my to "cut back" and use less. I've tried it before and it doesn't work for me.

Obviously my health and my family's future are my main reasons for quitting. In my warped way of thinking, I reason it out like this: if I die early, will my wife remarry? If she does, what will she do with my stuff? Will some other man smoke my cigars and finger my beloved razor collection? Not if I can help it.:lol:

In all seriousness, if I was told I had 30 days to live, it would be unbearable knowing that I couldn't see my son grow up. I want to be there for him and guide him when he faces life's challanges. So..... I have become concerned for my health and have decided to quit smokeless tobacco.

I have spent the last week mentally preparing myself for this. I have one dip in the can left. I will use that tonight as i am reading a book and before I turn out the lights. After that, I am finished.

I'd like to use this thread as somewhat of a journal for my progress and to get support from the community that I love.

sandmountainslim, congratulations on the great job and thank you for inspiring me to start this thread. No one wants to go through a struggle alone.

Congratulations to YOU on making the decision to quit! I've never been a tobacco user -- I can't even explain to you how much I hate the stuff, actually -- but I do have two small boys. So though I can't empathize with this particular vice, I most certainly can empathize with your reasons for quitting. And it bears saying again: bravo. Good for you!

All I can say is, look @ a picture of your little guy whenever you want the stuff. Get involved in something -- anything -- else, hopefully something that can distract you on an enjoyable level! It's bound to be a difficult journey but with a little bit of luck & a lot of discipline, you'll get through it.

Also, do you really need to stop cold turkey like this? Can't you try & wind down off of it, bit by bit, instead of stopping all at once? Again, I've never been a user but I've gotta believe it would be a lot more difficult to stop cold turkey than to gradually decrease your daily usage.

Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!

Best of luck, amigo :thumbup1:
It was one week this morning since I touched a cigarette and I was a 2 pack per day smoker for 22 years.
I admit I have been hitting the pipe bowl however. Ray makes fun of me for this but I haven't been inhaling the smoke which I consider a major improvement over swallowing 40 cigs pe day :biggrin1:

I'll still smoke cigars but the most I smoke is one a week. I may break out my pipe and try that.

Congratulations to YOU on making the decision to quit! I've never been a tobacco user -- I can't even explain to you how much I hate the stuff, actually -- but I do have two small boys.

All I can say is, look @ a picture of your little guy whenever you want the stuff.

Also, do you really need to stop cold turkey like this? Can't you try & wind down off of it, bit by bit, instead of stopping all at once? Again, I've never been a user but I've gotta believe it would be a lot more difficult to stop cold turkey than to gradually decrease your daily usage.

Keep us posted on your progress. Good luck!


Evan, thank you! That is a great idea! After all, he is the reason I'm quitting.

I have tried to cut back numerous times and it always resulted in me using more. I'm going to go cold-turkey instead of delay the suffering.

Thanks for the support Dave! Unfortunately in Texas, when I was in high school, some of the girls dipped too.:lol:

Ha, yeah at my first high school too. But damn it was romantic, wasn't it? I mean, we'd be sitting at the drive-in, my arm around her, and we'd both put our hands into the pouch of Red Man at the same time....oooohhh...the electricity! :w00t: Then she'd smile and by the light of the moon I could pick out the bits of Skoal stuck between her teeth...now that was sexy. She taught me what it meant to be a man she did (I mean..what it mean to be a man with a girl..who was like a man). :biggrin1:
I have tried to cut back numerous times and it always resulted in me using more. I'm going to go cold-turkey instead of delay the suffering.

Maybe you should watch Trainspotting a few times, too. That might help. :001_cool:
Obviously my health and my family's future are my main reasons for quitting.
. . .
In all seriousness, if I was told I had 30 days to live, it would be unbearable knowing that I couldn't see my son grow up. I want to be there for him and guide him when he faces life's challanges. So..... I have become concerned for my health and have decided to quit smokeless tobacco.

Good for you (and for everyone else here who is quitting tobacco in any form)! I lost my dad to what my family is sure was a smoking-related heart attack when I was 5 an he was 43, so I was really happy and moved to read what you wrote.
Good for you (and for everyone else here who is quitting tobacco in any form)! I lost my dad to what my family is sure was a smoking-related heart attack when I was 5 an he was 43, so I was really happy and moved to read what you wrote.

Amen to that. I too lost my dad when he was 43. I was 15. He was a heavy smoker -- 2+ packs/day of Pall Malls (remember those??).
I had a roommate in the Marines who was one of the most unbelievably gifted athletes I'd ever met. He was crazy strong. He'd go through the obstacle course, not like a gymnast or a track star, but like a wolverine. He just tore through everything. He was also the heaviest dipper that I'd ever met--if he took a dip out of your can, there wasn't going to be anything left. He'd even put in a dip before he went to sleep.

I ran into him a couple of years later in the Fleet. I couldn't believe how thin and sickly he looked. It turned out that he was just finishing treatment for stomach cancer. Had most of his stomach removed and was just finishing up his chemo and radiation treatments. He was lucky to be alive, but his career was over and his marriage had fallen apart too. All this by the time he was twenty-five. I never had another dip or chew after that.

Even so, sometimes when I'm in the checkout line at the grocery store and I see a display of cans Copenhagen or packages of Levi Garrett, my stomach will growl and my mouth will start to water. Twenty years later. It's not going to be easy to give up something that's a part of your life--something that you really enjoy. But it's a habit worth breaking. Good luck!
Dustin, congratulations on making a very hard decision and taking the steps to end the addiction. I used Copenhagen for a long time, more then 20 years. I know how hard this is going to be. If you need any support, encouragement or advise, or you just want to tell someone how you are feeling don't hesitate to ask. Good luck.
Good luck to you! I also have a young son and I am much more concerned about my health now so I will be around to raise him. Alas, the New Year's diet has begun.

Tape a picture of your boy to the top of the can of Copenhagen. Then if you are tempted, you'll remember why you are quitting.
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