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Quick thoughts on L'Air du Desert Marocain

So I got my sample of this in a couple of weeks ago. As per all the hype I was very very excited to give this one a try. I had my $$ ready to be spent on a full bottle and was going to do a blind buy on this but decided against it. Man oh man am I glad I decided to wait! I've been trying the sample on my wrist every other day since I got it just hoping it would grow on me. It did not. Well...that kinda makes it sound like I don't actually like it. I do enjoy it. But its...difficult I think is the best word for it. First off, its potent. Really really potent. Lots of incense and smoke going on at first. Then once it dies down I'm getting a lot of spicy woods. All things that I would normally jump on. Here's my beef with LDDM...its one of the very very few colognes that I just wouldn't know when to wear. And I'm guilty of wearing whatever I want, where and whenever I want. I just don't see the point in having a bottle that I only use 2-4 times a year on those special occasions. So as nice as it is, I am definitely going to have to pass.

I know they're not super similar or usually compared but I picked up a new bottle of CDG 2Man and I think it will nicely fill the void that LDDM left. I really enjoyed my sample of 2Man and found it to be much easier to wear.
LDDM hit me in that same way at first. When or where to wear it? Don't use it often, but it is fragrance art to me. But it has such a distinctive smell, it is unconventional and doesn't "fit" into our usual notions of scent. I do not think it to be particularly feminine, but would love to smell it on a woman.

if you don't like it, you don't like it. But, I would advise you keep the sample and try again some time.
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I do enjoy it. But its...difficult I think is the best word for it. First off, its potent. Really really potent. Lots of incense and smoke going on at first. Then once it dies down I'm getting a lot of spicy woods. ...

I know they're not super similar or usually compared but I picked up a new bottle of CDG 2Man and I think it will nicely fill the void that LDDM left. I really enjoyed my sample of 2Man and found it to be much easier to wear.

I've heard those same words about AirDM before and that's a dead on way of describing it. Easy on the trigger, spray once under the shirt, and enjoy the ride is all I can say. It's one of my all time faves and I've gone through several bottles.

Although I agree there's no comparison to CdG2Man, I can see the appeal. I really like this one, too, especially that smoky burning-leaves or extinguished-candle note.

You need both, honestly.
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