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Quick Shave

I have a question for everyone. What does one do if a very quick shave is required? There are times in my job (Active Duty Army) that I need a super quick shave, say I get a call in the middle of the night to come in (this happens quite a bit) Obviously I don't have time to do a "proper" shave these are times I'm forced to turn to either my Braun electric or the old Mach 3 and some can of gel.

I get most of you have jobs you can get away with not shaving but what if you need a quick quick shave?

I've never had to do a quick shave but a 2 pass shave wtg and atg for me can be done in about 10~ minutes. If I had to get done quicker than that I suppose I'd just take the mach 3 and do one quick easy wtg pass
A can of goo and a Gillette Tech. For when it absolutely positively has to be done ten minutes ago. I have to shave at work too.
A can of goo and a Gillette Tech. For when it absolutely positively has to be done ten minutes ago. I have to shave at work too.

So you still tend to use a DE then? There are times for me that I have to shave so quick and most of the time I'm still sleeping that I worry about chopping myself up.

The Tech is pretty tame, even with a Feather blade in them. Not the best shave but enough to get me past inspection.
If the M3 works when you are on the run then stick with what works. In this case it is about getting the job done rather than a pleasurable experience.
Thank you for serving.:thumbup:
Face lather a cream and use a cartridge razor such as a Sensor, Atra, or Trac II.

I would resort to goo only if I were REALLY pressed for time, in which case I would choose either Aveeno gel or King of Shaves non-lathering gel.
I use a brush, a good soap or cream, and a Sensor3.
No reason to skip brush larger or a proper soap... Still better than goo. I just can't be as meticulous or careful, and quick shaves are the only time disposables actually come in handy. MWF, Acqua di Parma, or Mon Savon, my fine badger instead of the silvertip, and 2 passes instead of ... 3 or 4. You can still pamper yourself a little, can't you? Just more quickly. :)
Luckily, I am not in the situation whereby the phone rings and I need to shave and run. If that were the case, I would make sure that I did prep under the shower and then made one pass with a DE. It is probably a good idea to try this for yourself- with a little more experience, you can get a presentable result with one pass................. and hey, if it's not presentable.... you can always go for a shave.
I just tried this the other day, and posted about it. I usually take a good long,relaxed time to do my shave, but I was a bit rushed this time. I just applied some hot water to my face and worked up a lather with some Tabac soap. I used my DE and did a WTG pass, rinsed again with hot water and re-lathered for a ATG pass. The shave was quite presentable and only took about 10 minutes. I don't like being rushed but I wanted to see what would happen if I was, and my shave turned out to be a CCS.

I do believe my shave would also be presentable just doing a WTG pass, and the time would be cut in half. :001_cool:


Self Ignored by Vista
I wonder why they named the Super Speed that name? :biggrin1:

When I used to get calls at 1:00 a.m. and had to be there in an hour (it took me about 30 minutes to get to the P.D.) I used the quick electric. I could make it in about 45 minutes, and that included washing my short hair and spraying it (I didn't have a burr so I had to spray my fine head hair to look presentable).

And yes, at 1:00 a.m., if I was working day shift, I needed a shave at that time of night. When I was in boot camp they made me shave twice a day.

If you must use a DE in those situations, you might try a SS with a red personna, or an Iridium works good for me also. I can use a can of goo (to cut down the lathering time) and do a WTG and a ATG in about 5 minutes. I don't get as good a shave as when I'm not rushed, but it's passable.

If response time is an issue I'd suggest using what ever hardware is the quickest for you, be it an electric, Mach 3, Fusion, DE, or str8.

Oh, wait a minute, don't get rushed with a str8; that might really cut down on your response time.
I wonder why they named the Super Speed that name? :biggrin1:

When I used to get calls at 1:00 a.m. and had to be there in an hour (it took me about 30 minutes to get to the P.D.) I used the quick electric. I could make it in about 45 minutes, and that included washing my short hair and spraying it (I didn't have a burr so I had to spray my fine head hair to look presentable).

And yes, at 1:00 a.m., if I was working day shift, I needed a shave at that time of night. When I was in boot camp they made me shave twice a day.

If you must use a DE in those situations, you might try a SS with a red personna, or an Iridium works good for me also. I can use a can of goo (to cut down the lathering time) and do a WTG and a ATG in about 5 minutes. I don't get as good a shave as when I'm not rushed, but it's passable.

If response time is an issue I'd suggest using what ever hardware is the quickest for you, be it an electric, Mach 3, Fusion, DE, or str8.

Oh, wait a minute, don't get rushed with a str8; that might really cut down on your response time.

Humm, Looks like I need to look in the buying section and eBay for one of those all I have is a Merkur....:001_huh:

I completely recommend the Super Speed. I don't have a ton of time in the mornings after I get out of the shower to shave and I can typically get by with a two pass, wtg atg, with my SS and a feather in about 6-7 minutes. I'll fill up the sink with hot water and throw my soap bowl and my brush in there before I hop in the shower so it's ready to go. I'd say play around with it and see what works for you. Thank's for your service! :thumbup1:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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It nevers happen but if I would have to do a quick shave and no shave is out of the question I would do 2 passes instead of 3. WTG-XTG. Not as close but better than not shaved.

I would use shaving oil instead of lather.
Forget the goo. I stopped using that stuff literally decades ago when everyone was worried about aerosols and the ozone layer. Never went back.

When I need a quick shave (< 5 minutes) I simply return to my pre-DE ritual which is:

Brush enough lather straight off soap cake or bar (Men's Aveda soap, Williams or VDH) or cream, (Real Shaving in a tube, available at Rite-Aid for $5).

Brush lather on wet post-shower face as usual. Or, with Cream, from tube to hot-water soaked brush and right onto face to build the lather there. You can even go brushless with the Real Shaving Cream.

Make one WTG pass with a Shick Hydro, Gillette Mach 3, Sensor3 or Sensor.

Feel for touch-up spots and touch up as needed ATG, XTG, whatever works use lather as necessary but not as necessary with cartridge, especially if aloe strip is present.

Finish as usual with a cold water splash and tad of moisturiszer (Keihl's Body Moist works great but so do a lot of things).

You will be out the door in less time than it took me to write this.

If I need a really quick shave:

1. Wet face
2. Apply 5 drop Shave Secret oil
3. Rub into face
4. 3 pass shave with DE
5. Rinse
6. Aqua Velva
7. Done!

Less than 5 min.

Shower, one pump of KMF on a wet brush, lather and shave. I also only have a Merkur and use Derby blades. Don't worry about cutting yourself, muscle memory takes over after about 2 weeks of shaving with a DE.
And by the way thanks for serving.:thumbup1:
Wet face good.
5 or 6 drops of shaving oil rubbed in hand, then on face.
Shave. Keep face wet.
Rinse face off.
Pat dry.

You're done. Shaving oil can be store bought (Shave Secret, King of Shaves work fine for me) or home made (1part castor/2 parts jojoba/drop or two eucalyptus EO is my mix). Hardware isn't all that important. I liked some inexpensive twin blade disposables for quick, forgiving, and smooth. Doesn't take long at all. Less than 10 minutes. Probably less than 5.
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