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Quick crox question

I started finishing my blades on the crox about three months ago and have enjoyed the results. question is i am still basically on my first application that went on the stick but when i touch it with a finger i can wipe a green residue off, so is it fair to assume that i have plenty of workable product left?that this is not something that needs to be applied every time in some small quantity. probably only a dozen or so uses on the stick so not really heavy usage and as far as i can tell it is still doing the job. and if so i guess this little jar of crox is going to last a good long time.




Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
When you say "little jar", did you get it from The Superior Shave? If so, I don't see how you can finish that tiny jar in less than five years. :lol:

A little bit goes a long way.
When you say "little jar", did you get it from The Superior Shave? If so, I don't see how you can finish that tiny jar in less than five years. :lol:

A little bit goes a long way.

Great guess, exactly where it came from. thanks for the input, at least i found one product that is not going to break the bank.:thumbup:

No expert here, but i have the same logic as you, if some rubs off on my hand, i am sorted, when i get a clear finger, more required.
thanks Ben, its not on a strop but on a strip of balsa, i really just coated it and not much product at that. and as you said it seems to be working just fine so what the hey. i do have a Illinois Russian leather strop that i have never been able to make my peace with as it is too nappy for my liking and i have been eying it with crox intent, that may well be the final purpose for it.

thanks Ben, its not on a strop but on a strip of balsa, i really just coated it and not much product at that. and as you said it seems to be working just fine so what the hey. i do have a Illinois Russian leather strop that i have never been able to make my peace with as it is too nappy for my liking and i have been eying it with crox intent, that may well be the final purpose for it.


Even thought the CroOx is on a balsa strop it will last you a good long time. I think the balsa tends to hold the CroOx better so you may not get any on your finger but its still there and working. I got one tiny bag of it and it should last me for 2 years :tongue_smand I use a balsa strop too.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Even when you can barely see the CrO on the balsa there is still enough impregnated in the grain to be working.
These Cr2O3 Jars will last forever, even if you decide to coat the strops of your friends AND enjoy a nice painting with your very selfmade chromium oxide oil paint.

You really can get along with 1-2 maybe 5 grams a year, or even longer!
Apply just as much as you like on the surface and take off the excess.
Like already mentioned the surface shining through is totally acceptable.
You don´t want a pool-table surface ;)

Reapply only if the green starts to turn very black
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