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Questions for any DE leg shavers

I've seen mention of a few people here on the board who shave their legs with a DE. I was just curious about a few things.

1) How many passes do you need? What directions do you go on each pass?
2) Do you whip up your own lather or use something else? Prepared cream? Aerosol can? Just soap?
3) Why do you prefer a DE to a cartridge or other more modern shaving option?

Of course if you shave your legs with a straight I'd be interested in hearing about that too.

Thanks in advance,
Scott, i do it once a month or so as i ride my bike to work for most of the year. i don't actually count the number of passes, but i would say three with touch-ups. Yes, of course, i create my own lather as i let-lather.
Have never tried a cartridge on my legs. DE were the most sensible things to use once i started with them on my face. i used to use an Oster 76 hair clippers before progressing to DEs.
Good luck.
My gf has taken a liking to shaving her legs with my DEs. She only does one pass, upwards ATG. Legs aren't as sensitive as our faces, so it's not as harsh to go ATG. She enjoys lathering up with many of my soaps/creams and will just build the lather right on her legs most of the time. The KMF creams are good b/c if she's in a hurry and just goes back to the cartridge, KMF can easily be used brushless too. One of the reasons she prefers the DE is that the single blade doesn't get clogged like the multi-blades and it doesn't have to be rinsed as often. On the con side, just like for the face, it takes more time and she has to be more careful (mostly around the ankle & knee), so she's not giving up the cartridge completely for days when she's in a rush.
I should add... she only uses one pass since she regularly shaves. As Celestino said, you'd likely need more passes if doing it less regularly.
Interesting. I figured there would be some bikers who tend to shave less often, and might not be quite as picky about the finished results. My wife uses KMF with her cartirdge razor, applied by hand, and seems to like it. I hadn't thought about the clogging factor, maybe you should get your GF a nice open comb for Valentine's day! I guess it is eaiser to do one ATG pass on legs if you shave often. I don't think there is any easy answer to ankles and knees.

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