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Question on Dovo razors

I have been shaving with straights for a few weeks. Been using a Dovo Best Quality 6/8 and one in 5/8. I bought them because they were fairly inexpensive. I really like these razors and am getting ever improving shaves. My question is are the blades on the more expensive Dovo's alot better? I am just wondering if I am missing out on something. I really don't care about fancy scales at all.
I have been shaving with straights for a few weeks. Been using a Dovo Best Quality 6/8 and one in 5/8. I bought them because they were fairly inexpensive. I really like these razors and am getting ever improving shaves. My question is are the blades on the more expensive Dovo's alot better? I am just wondering if I am missing out on something. I really don't care about fancy scales at all.

No expert at all, but what i have read on here, from fellow experts, is the more you pay for a dovo, the better the scales, someone will chip in i am sure.
+1 on what taffy said. I think you have a great set of blades right now and for the next few months you are going to have your hands full with learning how to use them. now if we are talking about AD's, well i do wish you the best of luck with that, and do look forward to the razor porn you can provide us.

I've got a few Dovo's and the blades do get better the higher up the ladder you go. My 2 favorites are the 5/8 stainless that's on my MOP handled Dovo and the 5/8 on the Bergischer Lowe.




Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I recall that Joel, who has a lot of experience with these razors, once mentioned that unlike TI, Dovo razors don't get better as the price goes up. Although I wouldn't go that far, they seem to offer blades in a few classes of quality. Surely one wouldn't say that a "best quality" was in the same league as an extra-hollow ground Prima Klang, but a counerpoint would be the stainless blades (not counting the best class or micarta). Whether you're buying real MOP or faux, or the ebony or olivewood handles, they're all a #41 blade.

These blades are all #25's-
Someone had researched this issue and as I recall they were told by Dovo they use the same Swedish steel on all their carbon steel razors. The stainless are also all the same. You pay for the scales and decoration on the blade be it fancy metal work or gold wash.
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