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Question: is it possible to over lather???

I don't think I have ever read about overlathering. I think I saw a you tube video a while back that may have mentioned something about it. So is it possible to over whip or the more the merrier?????
In my opinion, the goal should be slickness, not necessarily volume of lather. If your lather is the slick emulsion/suspension of soap and water, then it is right. You can have tons of lather, but if it is whipped to the high heavens and not slick enough to lubricate the blade, then it is a waste.
its possible. If you keep lathering (also, if you do it too agressively and 'whip it') you get mountains of lather, but its pretty rubbish at actually protecting your face
Yeah, you can over lather. But there's no need too. You don't have to look like Santa, what you want is a live thick smooth lather. After you make your lather rub some between your fingers to test the smoothness. You'll know when you've got it right. A few times with a little practice lather and you get it down. Too much lather will waste your soap/cream. :biggrin: :tongue:


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