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Question: I have an AOS shaving brush....

that was $50. it is pure badger. it is the only brush that i have ever had. it seems to do fine, but i was wondering if this brush is considered a good one.
"Good" is subjective, but AoS hardware is regarded here as over priced. In other words, the money spent on a pure badger at AoS can be better spend elsewhere. If you're happy with your brush, then don't worry about it. However, "pure" is generally the lowest tier of badger brushes, and most of us prefer the higher tiers.
can you give a rec? i use mwf soap and trumper and speick cream the most regularly.

My general recommendation is this brush, 20% off with a B&B discount code. In my opinion it represents the best value out there, particularly in that it meets my super soft critirion. However, a price range would help, and whether or not you face-lather (if you don't, you should!).
My general recommendation is this brush, 20% off with a B&B discount code. In my opinion it represents the best value out there, particularly in that it meets my super soft critirion. However, a price range would help, and whether or not you face-lather (if you don't, you should!).

i appreciate it, i just started face lathering with MWF, it works great.

i want a brush that works well with most anything if there is such.

also, i don't mind spending for quality.
There's just too many brushes to consider! Go to the brush forum and read the Brush Chronicles. It's a good place to start. You need to see what appeals to you, and we'll go from there.
My general recommendation is this brush, 20% off with a B&B discount code. In my opinion it represents the best value out there, particularly in that it meets my super soft critirion. However, a price range would help, and whether or not you face-lather (if you don't, you should!).

Wow...I just ordered creams for T&H too and didn't think about getting a brush from them. I just sent Bernd an order for a Shavemac which is gonna cost more than I wanted to spend.
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