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Question about tallow-based soaps, pores and acne

Does anyone know if tallow-based soaps are noncomedogenic (not pore clogging)? Anyone have any ideas about tallow soaps and acne and if they clog pores more than glycerin soaps? Or do they clog pores more than vegetable oils (like avocado oil that is in many ASB's)?
I am no scientist, but I think soaps are designed to saponify oils, meaning break them down. In my experience, a tallow soap, or any other soap has never caused any problem clogging pores unless it irritates and causes ingrowns.
I don't think the tallow in and of itself would clog the pores; it's in a wide range of bar soaps for various skin types. My sense is that pore-clogging issues would depend on the additional ingredients. For example, MWF obviously contains lanolin, which I would suspect might be comedogenic. (I don't know for sure; others can chime in.)

I think you'll enjoy the BB, by the way.
That's what I was thinking about MWF. I figured it might not be the best thing to put all these oils on acne prone skin...
That's what I was thinking about MWF. I figured it might not be the best thing to put all these oils on acne prone skin...

Soap is oil (fat, in any case). Just different kinds and in different proportions.

I did a bit of looking around, and I see some people saying lanolin is comedogenic, some people saying natural lanolin oil is ok, but partially synthetic byproducts of lanolin are not ok. I dunno....
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Please do the explaining good sir. I'd rather not use a product that will clog up my pores and give me a breakout
By the way, MWF has natural lanolin. I read it in the wiki here and inferred it from the description of the soap that the company gave to websites selling it. If I (or the wiki) am wrong, someone save me from ignorance
Please do the explaining good sir. I'd rather not use a product that will clog up my pores and give me a breakout

I was just being facetious with my pal Septic Tank up there.

But while I'm here I can throw in my two cents.

Noncomedogenic/Comedogenic is purely dependent on your personal skin type. Tallow, lanolin, glycerin, paraffin, etc- all of these could be considered comedogenic right along with water, air, sweat, or peanut butter (or whatever your skin absorbs on a daily basis). My point is that anything we put on our skin and causes a reaction could be considered pore-clogging, but not everyone will react the same way. I don't break out because of tallow, so why should it be considered comedogenic while sunlight isn't considered an allergin even though there are some people that are allergic to it? "Comedogenic" is such a vague and subjective term I don't think anything should be classified as such, honestly.

Even the word "comedogenic" bothers me because it's a relatively new term used to describe the centuries old break-out caused by too much cosmetic use. For some reason it has become the catchphrase of the week when it really needs to die the just death it deserves, right along with "organic", "synthetic", "toxic", "all natural", "cold/triple milled", "beef fat thickeners", "baconnaise", and any other term I see being thrown around out there by people who have no idea what it actually means.
My apologies. Didn't mean to tell anyone they were wrong, thought this was an ongoing conversation about a pertinent issue. Didn't realize this post was so old. I was just searching under "acne" and soaps, clicked the first result that popped up. Will start a new thread if i don't find a newer one first!
STOP!!!! hydrochloric acid is similar to things in car battery acids. Table salt is sodium chloride. Is someone joking or making a mistake? Either way can be dangerous for others. About the acne yes even some face soaps can be comedogenic, nonetheless some shave soaps. Maybe the makers take into account people with acne but you have to be sure whats in it and what will cause breakouts. Im NO Dr and dont know what will break you out but anything can actually. Depends on the person. It may seem like a non issue on this website but acne can be both socially embarrassing and outright irritating and painful on many levels from minor to severe. For me what has worked very well and i have tried many for acne but Neutrogena Acne Wash with grapefruit extract. At least for me.. no the grapefruit does not burn at all, actually this product for me burns less to not at all compared to others. When i use it i can feel the dead skin coming off my nose and face after i scrub and rinse. Plus its easy to find at walmart and its cheap to boot $ 7 for 4 ounces and lasts a while. Dont know if im getting older or is it the soap but my acne is alot better. Also i have bad experience with Neutrogena Brand when it comes to acne but the product i was talking about above totally works for me.
I personally don't think that tallow or veggie soaps will clog your skin pores. Most soaps have a little bit of excess oil (maybe 3 to 6%) to avoid them being harsh, but that would not be enough. Here's is a suggestion.. why not pickup a soap that is scented with lavender essential oil? Lavender is known to help regulate sebum production, it might help you
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