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Quaznoid Quintessential

Maybe it’s time for me to stop plowing into other threads with snarky off-topic comments and put all that stuff here. This will be the place to catch up on my caustic iconoclasm and drop off some of your own

Let’s start off with my Top 5 Wetshaving Falsehoods:

1. For best results, don’t apply pressure

2. Heavier razors shave better

3. The brush matters

4. Warm/hot water shaves better

5. Strive for billowing clouds of lather.

All false, yet consistently promoted by shaving “experts”.


Is it swell time?
Celebration GIF by LaGuardia-Wagner Archives

He has arrived!!

@Quaznoid - I’ll start with a simple (annoying) question: it that top 5 prioritised or not?

And what happened to only quality soaps get results or only top tier razors get the best results?

Welcome to the journals section man! Love it!
So I’m watching the Penn State-Illinois game. Although I’m a lifelong Pennsylvanian, I despise Penn State. In fact, I hate college football and Penn State is one of the worst examples of college football. Penn State is a football team with a college attached. Pennsylvanians like to frown on Alabama but PSU is at least as bad.

When the Sandusky kiddie sex scandal broke at Penn State I thought it offered a way out for PSU. They could bag the football and work to become the premier academic institution in the country. But no; they ran back to football as quickly as they could. The James Franklin era is even worse than Paterno. I hate them and hope they lose every game forever.

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
So I’m watching the Penn State-Illinois game. Although I’m a lifelong Pennsylvanian, I despise Penn State. In fact, I hate college football and Penn State is one of the worst examples of college football. Penn State is a football team with a college attached. Pennsylvanians like to frown on Alabama but PSU is at least as bad.

When the Sandusky kiddie sex scandal broke at Penn State I thought it offered a way out for PSU. They could bag the football and work to become the premier academic institution in the country. But no; they ran back to football as quickly as they could. The James Franklin era is even worse than Paterno. I hate them and hope they lose every game forever.
"last night, heavy airstrikes using PGB* munitions were reported over Penn State"

I love you so much.

*Precision Guided Bile
Something else I hate: the plethora of craft beer brewers in the US that all crank out the same super-hoppy swill. When did too-hoppy become the standard beer flavor? I must have missed the memo.

We have gone from 20 beers that tasted like PBR to 5000 beers that taste like someone f—-d up and dumped a bushel of hops into the wert.

I crave the traditional American beers. And I don’t think I’m the only one.

Alum Ladd

Could be most likely nutjob stuff
Something else I hate: the plethora of craft beer brewers in the US that all crank out the same super-hoppy swill. When did too-hoppy become the standard beer flavor? I must have missed the memo.

We have gone from 20 beers that tasted like PBR to 5000 beers that taste like someone f—-d up and dumped a bushel of hops into the wert.

I crave the traditional American beers. And I don’t think I’m the only one.
They are attempting it here too and sadly, through flashy advertising and garish cans are making some inroads.

£4 for a 330ml can of gall?


I bit like some 'artisanal' soap manufacturers with absurd graphics on the tub.
The only college football team I root for is Temple. An urban school in the worst part of the worst part of Philadelphia that doesn’t take football very seriously. But they have surprisingly good results.

One of the greatest moments in all of sports was in 2015 when Temple annihilated Penn State, beating them for the first time since 1940. My son was at that game and I so envy him. To see those bastards beaten by a squad of journeymen from a real school, that would have been fantastic.
I feel like the falsehoods list is a bit short.

Can we get some rules about how slants and open combs are or something like that.

Incidentally, I got accepted into the MBA program at PSU, but chose Quinnipiac because it seemed like I would get a lot of personal attention there, which I did.
Two summers ago I was sitting on the patio of a restaurant in Columbus--Old Bag of Nails-- when two bicycle guys came out and sat near me. And they soon complained about the lager selection being Coors Light and Miller Lite with the rest of the on tap selection being IPAs. And I was like, "Guys, I feel your pain." I like an IPA with a meal, sure, but the lager and the pilsner are still supreme. I want to be able to order a lager that doesn't have the word "light" associated with it.
Not prioritized. I have so many I had to stop at 5 to get to bed.
Congratulations on the journal dear @Quaznoid , it was about time.

I thought you chose five falsehoods because of the original meaning of the word quintessential.

“The word "quintessential" comes from the Latin word quintessentia, which means "fifth essence." This term is derived from quintus, meaning "fifth," and essentia, meaning "essence."

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I’m an introvert. I find contact with people or being surrounded by a lot of people to be exhausting. I gain relief with solitude and quiet. Once recharged, I can venture out and be with people again until the overload recurs and I must retire, and so on and so on.

About 20% of people are introverts. The remainder are extroverts. These people are energized by contact with people and crave crowds and bustling activity. Extroverts loath solitude and quietude, which they deem as “loneliness”.

The problem for introverts is that the extroverts set the agenda and the terms for human interaction. They add more and more people to the guest list, expand the number of participants in any activity, add music and bustle and compulsory interaction, “the more the merrier”. This is hell for the introvert. And when the introvert tries to withdraw from or avoid the activity he is deemed “antisocial” or unfriendly by the extroverts, which is false and unfair. This hostility pushes the introvert even farther away and social isolation can result. The extroverts don’t understand that the introvert does want social interaction but on his terms, in a quiet, controlled gathering of intimate friends.

Too bad; the extroverts set the terms for any gathering and the poor introverts are left to suck it up, steel themselves and suffer through it. It sucks. And there’s nothing I can do about it. Introversion explains a lot about the course of my life and career and my relations w family and friends. It also explains my occasional misanthropy, political views and overall outlook. It’s the single most important determinant I’m my life.

Fortunately my wife is an introvert too. And my friends understand my introversion and give me the space I need (usually). I’ve learned to navigate the extrovert-dominated space and have a reasonably happy life. But it hasn’t always been easy.
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“I am a well overdue couch potato”
Hey Quaznoid, I am glad you started a journal. I enjoy reading your posts!

I am with you about the IPA's. I loved them at first when micro breweries started pumping them out because they were different. Now there are so many but they really don't differentiate themselves from each other and all tend to taste the same. I have developed a bit of a hops allergy or sensitivity so I lean more towards pilsners or lagers so I do not get congested!

I am an introvert too and just navigated two weddings in the last 2 weekends and now I feel I need a vacation on a beach somewhere with only waves to listen to!
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