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Quattro razor worth a try? Or go with Trac II?

Any of you guys like the Schick QUattro? I heard each of their cartridges can last a good amount of shaves.

Or Should I look for Trac II/clones instead?

I feel like doing more than 2 passes with any of these would be difficult.
I had one (well, technically still have it) and for myself, I found it noticeably more comfortable than the Gillette Mach 3 or Fusion. I love just how beefy their powered handle is too. Sadly, I switched to the Schick Hydro 5 about a year ago (before switching to DE), so can't really compare the two, nor could I compare it to my RazoRock Mission that I use now.

As for multiple pass shaving, I only ever went NS then SN, so cannot comment as to how it would be for a three pass (or more) shave.
I'll second preferring the non pivoting sort. Also, something smaller and thinner I find just reaches everything better. I find with the newer and bigger razors I end up swiping way to much at the same spot as they are too big too get into everything properly.
I bought a Quattro since it is unique but I haven't tried it yet (using up my Fusion cartridge first. And I've never seen anyone explain why Gillette skipped a 4-blade design, or did they?
I use a quattro on occasions. I can get about a dozen quality shaves before it starts to really tug the hairs out. I prefer it over a Mach3.
It depends on your skin. I like the Quatro with the real Quatro blades. It is a little on the aggressive side.
The Track II is a very popular razor.
I really like the Quatro. For quite a while it was my daily shaver. I still like it and use it from time to time. My daily shaver is now the Micro Touch Cartridge. The Mirco Touch shaves as well or perhaps a little better, but the blades last longer and they are cheaper.
I used to use a Quattro about five years ago. It gave me good shaves, but was ackward under my nose and did give me some irritation on my neck. I switched to an electric because over a year it was cheaper. Used the Electric for 3 yrs., then rediscovered classic wet shaving. I use a Trac II when I travel, by air, I find that using Dollar Store Dorcos twin blade carts, I can get at least two weeks worth of shaves. I ve found the Trac II is the closest thing to my Shick E2 injector.
I've got a couple of brass Trac II handles. Heavy but I use them occasionally with Publix (Supermarket) brand blades. $3.50 for 10 and I get 8 or 10 uses. I use them when I'm in a hurry, shaved really well the day before and I do a one pass in the shower with a VDH boar brush and soap. Quick and fairly comfortable one pass WTG if the beard isn't too heavy. And Gillette Trac II blades are over $1 a piece and I know they aren't that much better.
The quattro i tried was fairly smooth, but impossible to clean. Betweed the blades stacked too tight and the comfort wires, it just loaded up and wouldn't flush the head for anything
What about something like the Hydro 3? (5 blades seem overkill)

I feel like Schick is more reasonably priced as a Cartridge. The Mach 3, Proglide, and the Gillette stuff is overmarketed and doesn't seem to stay sharp for more than 6 days
funny you mention a tracII found one the the Other day from 1990 I believe maybe earlier still in the box in my bathroom closet
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