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QED Lime arrived (Or: oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy, etc)

Just rec'd my first tub of QED Fresh Lime. I already shaved this morning, so I hafta wait til tomorrow, but I test lathered just for fun. :001_rolle

Smells amazing, and I made literally half of a bowl full of lather (as in pull my brush, which was covered to the very end of the handle in at least a centimeter of later and there was half of a not-super-small bowl's worth of lather looking back at me). Big smell, big stiff peaks of lather, and it seems slick as all get out.

New favorite? We'll see tomorrow...

Anyone ever try super-lathering this with Proraso? I wonder what the lime + eucalyptus + menthol effect would be like...

Bah I love shaving now hurrah for B&B.
I think that this might actually be THE SOAP for me... if I get a good shave out of it tomorrow morning, that is.

I love lime everything, and I'm slowly assembling a lime-based kit that I think I'd be happy using for a long time... once my Ogallala Lime/Peppercorn A/S arrives I'll be set! Then I'll be able to hop out of the shower and hit myself with QED lime soap, Lime/peppercorn A/S, and Trumper's Limes cologne.

I'll be a big juicy green ball of limey joy...
If lime's your thing then you also owe to yourself to try TSD's house brand (theshaveden.com/store) lime and also the mojito. Both available as soaps or creams.
The QED soaps/sticks are fantastic values that really knock the cover off performance wise. I hate to pick a favorite brand but if forced to Charles's offerings would definitely be in the finals.

Pine/Cedarwood is amazing as well. I also have grapefruit/peppermint which is stellar on a hot summer day, bathtub gin which is equally great as a shave stick and special 218 which is the same as the Badger & Blade offering without the sandalwood.

Killer stuff and happy that you're enjoying it!


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Ive always wanted to try QED Lime. Right now, Castle Forbes is on the top of my list for lime creams/soaps.
I've shaved twice with this stuff at this point, and love it. Amazing lather, amazing scent, slick, rich, beautiful stuff!
A lime head huh?
Then you have to try a bar of Cinthol Lime bath soap. The lime is subtle, but it's there.
Try Beyboo (manish). I believe he has an online store now.
I loves me some limes, too.

Sometimes I'll do this routine in the morning:

1) Shower using Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes bath soap
2) Shave with Trumper's Extract of Lime shaving cream (or T&H WIL cream)
3) Apply Saint Charles Shave's Extract of Limes aftershave milk
4) T&H West Indian Limes EDC.:thumbup1:

All limey goodness!
Does anyone know if the QED shave stick in Lime is the same as the QED Fresh Limes in tub form? I like the shave stick form factor but wanted to be sure it's the same scent as the tub since the name is different.
Somebody can told me something about Cyril R Salter Shaving Cream? I just saw on a website (lexoredge.com) this shaving cream, and I'm looking from some reviews.

Ask this question in the shaving cream forum, or do a search there. It has been discussed a lot.

Also, check the Reviews section of the website.


Does anyone know if the QED shave stick in Lime is the same as the QED Fresh Limes in tub form? I like the shave stick form factor but wanted to be sure it's the same scent as the tub since the name is different.

YES, I have them both (Stick & Tub) and they are the same. I really really like all his soaps and own about 7 tubs that I rotate daily. Tangerine is also very nice, as is Pine & Cedarwood too. I am never disappointed when I get another QEDman soap.
Pine & Cedarwood too. I am never disappointed when I get another QEDman soap.
I agree and P/C is one of my favorites! I just received Grapefruit/Peppermint which is a refreshing way to start off a day that will likely hit 106F.
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