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QCS Unscented Soap is Amazing! Would You Use It?

Had my first shave with my new QCS unscented soap.

This is one of the finest soaps I've used. Easy to lather, very moisturizing and some of the slickest I've ever tried. Really impressive. I got a super comfortable BBS shave with no irritation at all today. It was very kind to my sensitive skin, too.

Here's the only problem: I had to custom order the unscented soap from QCS.

Unlike most other artisan soapmakers (Mike's, Mystic Waters, Stirling, Mama Bear, Kell's, etc.) QCS does not offer unscented soap as part of their regular line. While this soap just rocketed to the top of my favorites, it was comparatively expensive as a custom order - over double the price of a puck of unscented from Mike's or Mystic Waters. It's not a ton of money compared to MdC or some other imported brands, but it's still pricey.

If others would be interested in trying unscented soap from QCS, I encourage you to post about it in this thread. I know Matthew from QCS is a B&B member and often responds to posts in the soap forum, and perhaps he might be persuaded to make this a regular offering if there was enough interest from the community. That should bring the price down to the reasonable level of other QCS soaps.

I know I'm not the only one who prefers unscented soaps, and this is one of the very best out there. I hope others will get a chance to try it without paying the premium price.

Hey Nick.

Thanks for the review. Considering that I have had great success with some of the other soaps you like, I would consider using an unscented QCS. You have good taste in soaps! :)

I don't want to hijack your thread, but where are you in the cream vs. soap debate? Have Mystic Waters, Mike's, and QCS eclipsed your experience with cremes? Using both? Do you find the lather similar? Soaps slicker? Cremes are nicer on your skin? Any other thoughts?

I don't know that unscented would be my first pick for a QCS soap but I can attest to the excellent performance and my enjoyment of Matt's soaps. If there are a lot of poeple requesting unscented maybe it would be good for Matt to stock a batch and see how it goes. Based on my experience with his Key Lime I'm about ready to go on his site and order one of everything! It's really that good.
My question was more directed at people who already use other unscented soaps, since I didn't expect anyone who prefers scents to switch to unscented. However, for those of us who prefer unscented products, it's kind of a shame that one of the very best out there, QCS, is only available by special order.

I like unscented soaps, and have used Mike's straight-up and for blending Frankensoaps. A few days ago I had emailed QC about whether or not they had an unscented soap. Of course, they said no. Bad decision, IMHO.
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We released an unscented shaving cream and soap about two to three years ago after being asked by many customers to do so. We did not sell a single tub of unscented shaving cream nor a single puck of unscented shaving soap, despite numerous customers claiming they would be interested.

Our number one goal is customer satisfaction. We go to great lengths to make sure our customers are happy, which also means carrying the products they want. That is, unfortunately, not always possible. While we want to carry whatever you want us to, we do have to consider whether or not the product will be profitable for us. Our last attempt at unscented products was not successful. I believe that is because scent is still the number one criterion used to evaluate a product, which I think is backed up by how many people use subpar products just because of the scent or how many people refuse to use a superior product because they do not like the scent. We are always open to group buys, but at the moment, we are not considering adding unscented products to our scent library.
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I certainly understand that product choices must match the actual demand rather than a perceived demand. Clearly, your experiment with unscented products was before I came on the scene, or I would've bought some and so would other friends of mine here.

Mike's and Mystic Waters may have a different customer base than QCS that allows them to offer the unscented soaps as part of their regular product line. Or perhaps the business model is different for them and they are able to carry products that only sell a few units per year.

Since I do think your unscented soap is among the very finest I've ever used, I plan to keep it at the top of my rotation even if I have to pay the premium price. In the grand scheme of things, a single custom puck of QCS is far, far cheaper than MdC and is still less expensive than a puck of Art of Shaving soap.

However, the group buy is an interesting idea. I'm not a mod and can't authorize a group buy through the site, but I will PM the mods to find out the correct procedure for setting up a group buy. I see two other guys so far who've posted here that they might be interested. I'd certainly get another couple of pucks just for myself.

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Are all soaps made from an unscented base that is then scented accordingly? If so why would it cost double to produce a soap with no scent at all considering it has less ingredients than the other offerings?
Are all soaps made from an unscented base that is then scented accordingly?

Melt-and-pour soaps are, but ours are not melt-and-pour (nor would we ever consider selling them). Each batch is scented individually, not whenever we sell a puck online.
Melt-and-pour soaps are, but ours are not melt-and-pour (nor would we ever consider selling them). Each batch is scented individually, not whenever we sell a puck online.
Matt is it safe to assume though that the unscented soap has less ingredients than the scented versions though? Just trying to get a handle on the jump in price for a product with less ingredients. I'm very interested in an unscented puck from QCS but can't justify that price though unfortunately
^^^I would guess the extra $$$ is for the time and effort of making a special order product, not the ingredients....but I'm no authority.
Matt is it safe to assume though that the unscented soap has less ingredients than the scented versions though? Just trying to get a handle on the jump in price for a product with less ingredients. I'm very interested in an unscented puck from QCS but can't justify that price though unfortunately

The number of ingredients has nothing to do with the price, just like a bespoke suit from Savile Row will cost more than a suit three times its size from JC Penny, despite the suit from JC Penny having more wool, yarn, etc. ("more ingredients"). The prices we charge for custom products have to do with the time and effort it takes to create them and the fact that we are the only company that will create a custom scent and only require a minimum order quantity of one. No company, not Penhaligon's, not Geo F. Trumper, no one, would even consider taking the time to create a completely custom product only to be able to sell you one of it.
Yup I would use it. I am not really used to me smelling of after shaves ect. I only wear it because my better half like me to.
me either. i never understood unscented soaps...where's the fun in that.

The fun is not getting breakouts, skin irritation or ugly red blotches that last all day. No scent is worth that kind of aggravation to me.

I only care about the performance of soaps, and how they treat my skin.



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The fun is not getting breakouts, skin irritation or ugly red blotches that last all day. No scent is worth that kind of aggravation to me.

that makes perfect sense if it's the soap causing it. i guess i am lucky in only having a few soaps make my face irritated (RR XXX, MB soaps) and all the others have been fine.

there are a few all natural soap makes out there that may offer something that will work for you, and give you a great soap.

as for QCS, yes...it's great stuff. currently working my way thru a tub of cream and enjoying it as always.

have you tried any of the "sensitive skin" formulas? MW makes one and MdC has unscented (which has a natural earthy scent to it). also, are you 100% sure it's not techinique causing redness? just trying to figure out if it's all soap that make you break out or just some. i know for me, i avoid Lanolin now, as i found it make me light up, so out is Mikes, 888, SMN and MWF etc.
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have you tried any of the "sensitive skin" formulas? MW makes one and MdC has unscented (which has a natural earthy scent to it)

I used the MW sensitive skin formula today. It's unscented and works fine for me. Someday, when I'm feeling rich, I may try the MdC but it's hard to justify the cost when MW, Mike's unscented and my new custom-made puck of QCS work so well.

Honestly, I do wish I could enjoy a nice scented soap or cream. Sadly, virtually every one I've tried has been a disaster (the only exception being the cucumber hydrosol used for the scent in Nancy Boy.) Even T&H Ultimate Comfort cream, which has lavender in it, left me red and blotchy. So I'm thankful that we have some B&B vendors who make fantastic unscented soaps.

Oddly, lanolin is not a problem at all for me. If it was, there would be even fewer choices among unscented products. Mike's and QCS, both with lanolin, are at the top of my rotation.


I certainly understand that product choices must match the actual demand rather than a perceived demand. Clearly, your experiment with unscented products was before I came on the scene, or I would've bought some and so would other friends of mine here.

Mike's and Mystic Waters may have a different customer base than QCS that allows them to offer the unscented soaps as part of their regular product line. Or perhaps the business model is different for them and they are able to carry products that only sell a few units per year.

Since I do think your unscented soap is among the very finest I've ever used, I plan to keep it at the top of my rotation even if I have to pay the premium price. In the grand scheme of things, a single custom puck of QCS is far, far cheaper than MdC and is still less expensive than a puck of Art of Shaving soap.

However, the group buy is an interesting idea. I'm not a mod and can't authorize a group buy through the site, but I will PM the mods to find out the correct procedure for setting up a group buy. I see two other guys so far who've posted here that they might be interested. I'd certainly get another couple of pucks just for myself.


You could count me in for a couple.
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