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Push pencils

I saw these in the clearance secton at Target and was shocked to know that people still make these things. I used these all the time when I was grade school. Then all of a sudden, they seemed to vanish. It was just kinda funny the way I saw them, I saw them and stood there with a confused look on my face and my wife said I looked like a little kid at Toys R Us.
Oh man I forgot about those! We found straws worked great to shoot them like spitballs, I think I was a bad kid:001_tt2:

I look back and wonder how I made it....
Yeah, I remember those. Crappy pencils for sure. How, I wonder, are those shaky little bits of plastic any better than a real wooden pencil? I mean, aside from the wicked badass transformers logos...
Some of the kids had those in grade school, and I never understood them. It just seemed like a waste of plastic.

Of course this from one of the kids that would take his BIC mechanical pencil, break the entire tip piece off, rubber band the rod to the clip, and use it to fire spitballs without having to blow.
*somewhere* I still have one of these with my name on it. My late Aunt gave it to me when I was in grade school. RIP.
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