I hope this thread isn't out of order but I feel it must be addressed.
To put things in context Im almost sixty nine. For my age I keep reasonably fit by riding a bike sixty km/ (about forty miles) a week. My vital statistics are: height 1780 mm / 510, weight 83 kg / 182 lbs / 13 stone. I have an active interest in everything. Ive been married for 42 years, I have three adult sons, and three and 8/9 grandchildren. I drink a bit of beer and wine. I havent smoked for 38years.
For the last two years I have been increasingly concerned about my health down there. I have been getting up frequently during the night and having to organise my trips away from my home around the availability of public toilets and restrooms. Eventually I summoned up enough courage to discuss the problem with my local GP. She organised a PSA test and an MSU (both of which were OK). She also gave me a specialist referral to a urologist. He did the customary poke around and then announced that my prostate was significantly enlarged but otherwise felt OK. To confirm his findings I went off for a renal ultrasound (sonogram ?). Again my prostate was confirmed as being significantly enlarged but not cancerous. I am now on a course of tablets and have a return appointment with the urologist in four weeks time.
I make this post for two reasons that I would ask others to consider:
having experienced concerns about my frequency problem I should have taken action much earlier. In Australia the incidence of prostate cancer is on a par with breast cancer. It is a significant killer of older men.
the relief experienced when the MSU, PSA, internal examination and ultra sound all showed that my fears had been essentially unfounded could have happened earlier if I had only bitten the bullet then.
Hey fellows! do the right thing for yourself and your family. Get it checked!
To put things in context Im almost sixty nine. For my age I keep reasonably fit by riding a bike sixty km/ (about forty miles) a week. My vital statistics are: height 1780 mm / 510, weight 83 kg / 182 lbs / 13 stone. I have an active interest in everything. Ive been married for 42 years, I have three adult sons, and three and 8/9 grandchildren. I drink a bit of beer and wine. I havent smoked for 38years.
For the last two years I have been increasingly concerned about my health down there. I have been getting up frequently during the night and having to organise my trips away from my home around the availability of public toilets and restrooms. Eventually I summoned up enough courage to discuss the problem with my local GP. She organised a PSA test and an MSU (both of which were OK). She also gave me a specialist referral to a urologist. He did the customary poke around and then announced that my prostate was significantly enlarged but otherwise felt OK. To confirm his findings I went off for a renal ultrasound (sonogram ?). Again my prostate was confirmed as being significantly enlarged but not cancerous. I am now on a course of tablets and have a return appointment with the urologist in four weeks time.
I make this post for two reasons that I would ask others to consider:
having experienced concerns about my frequency problem I should have taken action much earlier. In Australia the incidence of prostate cancer is on a par with breast cancer. It is a significant killer of older men.
the relief experienced when the MSU, PSA, internal examination and ultra sound all showed that my fears had been essentially unfounded could have happened earlier if I had only bitten the bullet then.
Hey fellows! do the right thing for yourself and your family. Get it checked!