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Proraso Tube - how long can I store it for?

Hi All, I have a question...

I've been using Proraso (Green) Tube and love it for the last year. My local store has a sale on them... but how long will they stay good for un-opened?

Just wondering if I should stock up, or will it go bad after 6 month or a year sitting in the tube?

I can say from experience that 6 months is fine, my *opened* tube has lasted at least that long and is still great. I'd expect an unopened tube to last a real long time.
I just bought one of the 500ml tubes. The seller has this posted.......... "It also stores well and is not subject to separation over time."
I have just checked my tube of Proraso- it is marked to indicate that it should be used up within 12 months of being opened (which I would take with a grain of salt in any case). I would guess that an unopened tube would last for many years.
It'll last for years Id say, I've got the large 500ml tube and have been using it for over 2 years on and off, it still performs as good as new.
I suppose they last years. I have one for a year now. Used it a couple of times.
And who knows how long did it stay before it got to me.
Besides, it has parabens(preservatives). So it will last for some years..

BTW I know that feeling! It was killing at some period in time! It's not pleasent to know you have spent money on some cream/soap and you won't be able to use it. It might go bad. Horrible feeling.
Seeing as winter has returned (just in time for out seedling bushes to arrive) I'll have to put the prorasso away until it kicks back into summer.
I've had a stockpile of Proraso shaving cream and some of the tubes were sitting around for over a year. I have found no discernible difference between them and more "fresh" tubes.


B&B's Man in Italy
I have just checked my tube of Proraso- it is marked to indicate that it should be used up within 12 months of being opened (which I would take with a grain of salt in any case). I would guess that an unopened tube would last for many years.

Yes, David.
That is my opinion, too.:wink2:
If I am not mistaken, your original post asked about "unopened" tubes. In that case, I honestly think they can last for a great while. I have tubes from 3-4 years ago that were fine when recently opened.
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