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Progress Question

I have read posts and watched the Mantec video which mention that the Progress razor should be held at a different blade angle than most other DE Razors. I need clarification or some tips regarding shaving with a Progress. Started DE shaving in March and doing very well with Merkur HD, EJ Loxley and even the Merkur Futur. Have heard great things about the Progress but getting too many weepers and a few nicks. Happy July 4th.
Well, if you compared a Progress to say the HD, the angle of the blade to the handle is in fact different. The blade is "flatter" in the HD - so, to achieve the right blade angle, you whole it in such a way that the tip of the handle is further away from your face. With the Progress, the blade is curved more, so you hold it such that the tip is closer to your face. In summary, to achieve the same blade angle with both, the angle of the handle is more obtuse with the HD, and more acute with the Progress.

I have never found this to be a problem; I suppose if you had the longer handled version, it might be tight going S-N on the neck.
I think the problem is most people try shaving at 4 or 5 and it really works well at a lower setting ie. 2 or 2.5...actually the progress is one of the best shavers out there..the others are just for research purposes (don,t really need them but we buy them any way)
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