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Progress blade alignment

I got a progress long handle from AoS in oct last year. After about 8 mos of daily use I felt one side of the razor was more sharper then the other (blade exposure). Went to AoS and they exchanged it for another progress.
Is this issue normal to progress? I am now thinking should I use the new progress as I love the shave progress delivers but am concerned about alignment issue arising later. Is there any solution?

please share thoughts as I am eager to use my progress again.
I got a progress long handle from AoS in oct last year. After about 8 mos of daily use I felt one side of the razor was more sharper then the other (blade exposure). Went to AoS and they exchanged it for another progress.
Is this issue normal to progress? I am now thinking should I use the new progress as I love the shave progress delivers but am concerned about alignment issue arising later. Is there any solution?

please share thoughts as I am eager to use my progress again.

Many of us have the same problem with differing blade gaps and numbers not lining up the same on every razor (your number one can be very different from my number one) on the adjustment dial. The solution for this, and for not that much more money, is the modified 'Mergress' razor, where the tool has been modified with a custom steel replacement, and calibrated to return to the same number every time. I'm not selling, just saying I owned two regular Progress versions, both bought from AOS and which were sold privately...and I do not have the same issues with these.

There's a vendor out there that sells these; I'm not sure, and in giving you a quick answer, if naming the dealer is Kosher...but just do a search for the 'Mergress' and you'll find everything you need and more. Here's a pic of the razors in question, and I'll send you a PM actually with the vendor's info...!

Now - after I wrote this: Are you making sure the mark on the one side of the head on your Progress is installed on the same side of the razor where the triangle is? If it's reversed that COULD be causing your problems. That's a common mistake and thought to mention that. - Joe
Now - after I wrote this: Are you making sure the mark on the one side of the head on your Progress is installed on the same side of the razor where the triangle is? If it's reversed that COULD be causing your problems. That's a common mistake and thought to mention that. - Joe

+1 on the proper installation of the razor head. If the triangle and the line aren't matched up...look out! That said, I have a Mergress (my favourite razor) and have commented on other threads that not every blade sits equally in this razor. I find that I have to centre the blade by hand then tighten the head, otherwise, the blade can (and often does) protrude more on one side, or even sits slightly angled. Other than that, it's a fine razor, IMO.
+1 on the proper installation of the razor head. If the triangle and the line aren't matched up...look out! That said, I have a Mergress (my favourite razor) and have commented on other threads that not every blade sits equally in this razor. I find that I have to centre the blade by hand then tighten the head, otherwise, the blade can (and often does) protrude more on one side, or even sits slightly angled. Other than that, it's a fine razor, IMO.

+1 On this. I just got a Progress Friday and shaved with it today. I noticed the witness mark on the cover and the triangle on the side and figured these should be in alignment. I didn't have any issues with the blade protruding from one side more than the other.
Yes I am aware of the mark on the head piece to match up with the triangle on the razor. It was working great initially but I don't know what triggered the misalignment and I have tried different blades in there and same issue continues. Don't know if modifying it to a mergress resolves this.
to align the blade properly do the following..

1 - put end cap (thread facing up) in the crease between 2 fingers (palms up)

2 - place blade over thread/endcap

3 - position your razor upside down over the thread

4 -put razor down on onto thread carefully

5 - start tightening the progress (do not make contact with the end cap during this process!!!! it must sit in between your fingers)

now that the cap is fully tightened check and you will see that the blade alignment is PERFECT.

the key to this trick is "pulling" the cap up from a resting position without trying to mess with it using your fingers.
Yes I am aware of the mark on the head piece to match up with the triangle on the razor. It was working great initially but I don't know what triggered the misalignment and I have tried different blades in there and same issue continues. Don't know if modifying it to a mergress resolves this.

I don't think modifying to a Mergress will help the blade alignment. It's just something you have to be aware of. Some blades have more "play" when seated in this razor.
The Progress IMO has one of the WORST quality control processes out of any product from any industry! I have even had a direct email from a QC manager at Merkur who states the tooling equipment they use is 50 years old...are they serious?!? SHOCKING!
Out of the 5 Progress razors I have experienced, only 1 had perfect blade alignment. I even told Merkur the fault is in the blade plate, it either tilts to one side length-ways in which case one side has more exposure or it tilts width-ways in which case the Progress turns into a slant.

I just tried the below method and even though the blade exposure is still more on one side, the method seems to have corrected the evenness of the blade (meaning they are at least straight!). Thanks Vivasanti!!

to align the blade properly do the following..

1 - put end cap (thread facing up) in the crease between 2 fingers (palms up)

2 - place blade over thread/endcap

3 - position your razor upside down over the thread

4 -put razor down on onto thread carefully

5 - start tightening the progress (do not make contact with the end cap during this process!!!! it must sit in between your fingers)

now that the cap is fully tightened check and you will see that the blade alignment is PERFECT.

the key to this trick is "pulling" the cap up from a resting position without trying to mess with it using your fingers.
I don't think your issue is something that develops over time. either the razor was faulty from the start or the marks on the head/baseplate weren't correctly aligned.
I don't think your issue is something that develops over time. either the razor was faulty from the start or the marks on the head/baseplate weren't correctly aligned.

It seems very counter-intuitive but one of my Progress developed the problem of uneven blade exposure after about 18 months of daily use.

I can't explain it myself but shave-feel and visually, I can tell the difference.
I don't think you can even buy the Mergress anymore--they've been out of stock for months and last I heard, it'll be many months before they get any in.
I don't think you can even buy the Mergress anymore--they've been out of stock for months and last I heard, it'll be many months before they get any in.

I've heard that. I happened upon mine during a unique alignment of the stars. According to some of the threads, it may be best (if a Mergress is desired) to purchase a Progress and mail it directly to Mer for modification.
How would anyone rate the appropriateness of a Mergress, if I can get one, for a newbie?

If you set the razor at a mild setting (2 or less IMHO) and leave it there UNTIL your technique is solid you will be fine. The problem is, the temptation to try different settings is hard to resist and you might end up changing too many things at once instead of developing good technique. I freely admit this is what I did and paid the price with poor shaves, etc. until my technique improved.

By the way, I purchased a Progress on the bay and sent it off to Lee (Mer on the Forum) for the conversion. He sent it back in about two weeks time. So far I am thrilled with the "Mergress".
If you set the razor at a mild setting (2 or less IMHO) and leave it there UNTIL your technique is solid you will be fine. The problem is, the temptation to try different settings is hard to resist and you might end up changing too many things at once instead of developing good technique. I freely admit this is what I did and paid the price with poor shaves, etc. until my technique improved.

By the way, I purchased a Progress on the bay and sent it off to Lee (Mer on the Forum) for the conversion. He sent it back in about two weeks time. So far I am thrilled with the "Mergress".
Thanks for the reply! I'll probably do the same thing since Lee's doesn't have any.
I've heard that. I happened upon mine during a unique alignment of the stars. According to some of the threads, it may be best (if a Mergress is desired) to purchase a Progress and mail it directly to Mer for modification.

That's what I did more than two years ago.

And the Progress or Mergress is fine for a relatively new shaver. Just don't play too much with the settings. What I recommend is that you try a lower setting and keep that for at least three or four shaves before going higher. I usually recommend starting with 1.
It seems very counter-intuitive but one of my Progress developed the problem of uneven blade exposure after about 18 months of daily use.

I can't explain it myself but shave-feel and visually, I can tell the difference.
Might that be soap or lime scale build up. The blade support plate locates in the central shaft and is spring loaded. I can see that area can be affected because you cannot dismantle that part.
I have no problems with mine. It has had about 4 months use in the 16 months I have had it.
Thanks for all the input guys.

I have tried the above method as mentioned by Vivasanti. So far everything is good, but I have less then 10 shaves in it! Hopefully this will solve it all as i would hate to let it go.
This has been an ongoing issue with Merkur razors, and is a source of unhappiness for some shavers. The Vision, in particular, shows a pronounced difference in blade gap/alignment from side to side. When asked about the gap irregularity on the Vision, Merkur said it was normal and within an acceptable range of tolerances. Translation: Merkur's tolerances aren't super tight; a certain range variability is acceptable, and is not considered a defect. I would expect this applies to most Merkur designs, including the Progress. I too have noted this same difference on both my unmodified short-handle Progress, and my long-handle Mergress. It's just part of the design. I haven't noticed any ill effects when actually shaving with it, but it is not ideal for a person who pays attention to detail.

Also, as has been noted, the Mergress modification does not solve the problem. The issue is with the head geometry and the manufacturing tolerances. Mer recalibrates the adjustment ring during the modification, but does nothing to modify the head itself.

I think that's one of the bragging points of the ultra high-end DEs out there, like the Feather all-stainless DE - the tolerances are such that there is no play in the blade at all. Of course, you pay for that sort of engineering: for the price of a Feather AS-D2, you could buy three Progresses.
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