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Problem with my shavemac D01

I have a Shavemac 102 26mm silvertip D01.
It is a big brush, very large and dense but I can not create foam enough for 3passes.
With it: + cream / soap, + water + time - foam! :ohmy:
Work all the dense brush in this way?
Have you the same problem?
How can I make good foam in a short time?

To get the perfect amount of cream on your brush you can do the dip and twist. Use a dryish brush, dip the tips of the brush in your cream, twist, make lather.

A 26mm brush is a monster and you will need ALOT of product to load it up. If your creams are too firm for the dip and twist try a tablespoon of product to start, but you may need more.
I've just acquired a Rooney 1/2, which, while not as big as the brush you have, has a 24mm, extremely dense knot.

The first few latherings I also got a frothy foam and no real lather.

What I realised was this dense knot was holding waaaaaaay more water than I had been used to with my other brushes. So I shook most of the water out of the brush. It made great lather. Even damp, this brush holds more than enough water to create the sort oflather that I enjoy.
Follow all the colleges' advises and try to rinse the brush in lukewarm water some minutes (10 maybe) before to start lathering.

I agree, you'll need mutch more cream or soap. Be patient with those beauty and give her one more oppotunity.
Do you know the loft of the brush? I have found that to be another factor in how a very dense brush behaves.

Aside from that, I agree with the above statements of more cream + more water
I've just acquired a Rooney 1/2, which, while not as big as the brush you have, has a 24mm, extremely dense knot.

The first few latherings I also got a frothy foam and no real lather.

What I realised was this dense knot was holding waaaaaaay more water than I had been used to with my other brushes. So I shook most of the water out of the brush. It made great lather. Even damp, this brush holds more than enough water to create the sort oflather that I enjoy.

I agree with this post. The higher quality brushes hold much water when you first start building up lather. If you add more water, you are going to make a lot of foam. I soak my brush to get it soft, but then shake it out pretty vigorously before starting to make lather. I add water by dripping water off my fingertips onto the brush - not into the later. You will find that your brush becomes just full of lather, so I press the brush against the top of my lather bowl and try to get as much lather out as possible - and push all that lather to the bottom. Add some drops of water and keep going. I have a much easier time making lather with my Best and Pure Badger brushes than with the Super/White Tips...but applying is much nicer with the better brushes.
Thanks to everyone for the advice, I will follow.

huntmol --> The loft is 60 mm :scared: ++++++ cream/soap :bored:

Hmm, 60mm is pretty tall, but once you dial it in, I think you will like that brush a lot.

I always like to recommend Shavemacs be customized by Bernd to fit in the 45mm-55mm loft range, depending on your preference for density and scrubbyness. Maybe the next one? I am joking, of course. As I said, once you practice with it more I think you will love using that brush.

[Semi-retraction: Although I said more water in my earlier post, I have to also agree with Ignatius & Mink in that sometimes the problem is that you did not shake out the brush enough when you start lathering. Soak for 30 seconds in hot water, shake most of the water out, then start lathering and adding water in small amounts. Hope that clears things up! Good luck, my friend.]
You may also find that you have a bunch of lather hiding deep in the brush. My old 25mm 177 was notorious for that. Giving the base of the knot a good squeeze will tell you.
Hunter -> You are very kind, thank you. I think the cause is the excessive density of hair. Can it be? In the future I will prefer silvertip to D01 and I will choose a smaller brush

You may also find that you have a bunch of lather hiding deep in the brush. My old 25mm 177 was notorious for that. Giving the base of the knot a good squeeze will tell you.

I did so!
I used four times( 4x) the cream I normally use and it was enough for 2 pass. Then I squeezed the brush and I got another foam for the last step, but I have sprinkled my face with hand. I do not like :bored:

Hunter -> You are very kind, thank you.
No problem! That's what we do here :biggrin: Everyone needs help from time to time.
I think the cause is the excessive density of hair. Can it be?
It could be. Density is one of those individual preferences. I personally love very dense brushes, but others might prefer something different.
In the future I will prefer silvertip to D01 and I will choose a smaller brush
If you would like another Shavemac, I would recommend a Custom Shavemac with these measurements:
22mm knot
Bulb shape - 50mm loft
Fan shape - 45mm loft
As far as hair type, D01 is my favorite, but if you would like to try something different I might recommend Finest. It is much less expensive, but is still very high quality! Some think that it is as soft as Sivertip, just not as uniform in color.
As far as hair type, D01 is my favorite, but if you would like to try something different I might recommend Finest. It is much less expensive, but is still very high quality! Some think that it is as soft as Sivertip, just not as uniform in color.

I was going to do a writeup on the finest, silvertip, and DO1 since I own all of them but never got around to it. However, one of my primary pieces of advice for someone on a budget would be to buy a finest in a larger size than a comparable DO1. For example, if a person was going to buy a 21mm DO1, I'd think that a 23mm in finest would give the same feel for a lot less money. YMMV--just my .02.
I was going to do a writeup on the finest, silvertip, and DO1 since I own all of them but never got around to it. However, one of my primary pieces of advice for someone on a budget would be to buy a finest in a larger size than a comparable DO1. For example, if a person was going to buy a 21mm DO1, I'd think that a 23mm in finest would give the same feel for a lot less money. YMMV--just my .02.

I would love to see a review comparing all three!

Here is Andy's comparison of Finest to D01:
And here's mine comparing D01 to Silvertip:
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