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The active ingredient is Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5%. Same as a number of other products. It's simply great marketing.

my wife used it in the past and was not real impressed.
however she is now using some of the mary kay products for facial care and they are making a difference.pricey though,but to be fair a little goes a long way.
I can't give you much of a review but I can tell you my families experience with Proactiv. My mother-in-law has apparently placed a standing monthly order for the entire Proactive line for my teenage daughter for the last couple of years. I can't use it because it's benzoyl peroxide burned my face something fierce. My wife and daughter use it without burns but it doesn't seem to make a ton of difference. My wife uses it off and on and I can tell you it dries the hell out of her face even with the Proactiv moisturizer. I can tell when she's been using it just by looking at her. My daughter has only light, mild teenage acne and after using Proactiv for about a year we had to take her to the derm to get antibiotics. Recently, our doctor added birth control pills :eek: which are supposed to help with acne. Even the combination of Proactive, antibiotics, and birth control don't seem to make much of a difference for her. From watching her experience I'm not sure what to say about Proactiv. The failure might be a teenage thing as it seems to work wonders for Jessica Simpson and P. Diddy! This is another of those fairly harsh, cleansing lines that seem to work for some and not for others. I would ask for samples before buying as the stuff isn't cheap! Sorry if this wasn't too helpful.
The active ingredient is Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5%. Same as a number of other products. It's simply great marketing.


whats funny is that they market it as "prescription grade" medication

too bad here in canada prescription grade happens to be 10% not 2.5% for that particular substance

i was interested in trying the stuff for a while, did a bit of consumer research (actually there's quite a few canadian resources that helped a lot) and found out that a lot of their posted pictures of "before and after" are people suffering from severe levels of acne, the product was only designed for minor to moderate levels, and of course many other products possessed the same active ingredient with similar levels or even stronger for cheaper
There was a segment about it on the news a few months back and their conclusion was that you can get the same results from other less expensive products easily found at your local store. (they did specifically mention Oxy products as one alternative but I can't remember the others).

Both my girlfriend and my brother have used Proactive but I can't say as it made any noticeable difference. It's hard for me to tell because I don't pay attention to that stuff.

"When I did my self-portrait, I left all the pimples out.... Pimples are a temporary condition, and they don't have anything to do with what you really look like." -Andy Warhol

My grandmother, who has beautiful skin and looks at least 20 years younger than she is AND used to be an Aesthetician manager for a prominent woman's spa (skin care specialist) always told me to keep my hands away from my face, wash with a good mild soap and WARM water (not hot) and always use a clean soft cloth. She has tons of those cotton diapers of which she uses a fresh one EVERY TIME she washes her face (and then puts it in the clothes hamper). Reason being, bacteria builds up on the wash cloth during the day and when you reuse it (without washing the cloth first) you are rubbing that bacteria back into your skin. Also, keep your pillow case clean because you spend the entire night rubbing that dirt into your skin.
I don't know how scientific her method is but she does have beautiful skin to this day.
I've used it in the past and am not really impressed. While it did work, the procedure got to be tedious (altho it isn't that involved) and unless you raise a real fuss, you are automatically put on a monthly standing order (and you are pressured to stay on a standing order). The ingredients are nothing special and are easily available at your local drug store under different brands, in larger quantities and for a lot less. IMHO, proactive is all about marketing and "star appeal."
whats funny is that they market it as "prescription grade" medication

too bad here in canada prescription grade happens to be 10% not 2.5% for that particular substance

10% is prescription grade in the US as well. However, somewhere north of 6% starts damaging and overdrying the skin which can exacerbate the problem instead of helping if you are not obsessive about moisturization.
It does work for some people, but there's no sense in paying the outrageous price for standard ingredients. You can find several knockoffs for substantially less at your local drugstore, and they contain the exact same ingredients.
We had our 15 year old son on the Costco version for awhile with mediocre results. We switched to Proactiv and it worked much better. His acne is mild. The Proactiv is "more expensiver". One does pay for the marketing.
I can't give you much of a review but I can tell you my families experience with Proactiv. My mother-in-law has apparently placed a standing monthly order for the entire Proactive line for my teenage daughter for the last couple of years. I can't use it because it's benzoyl peroxide burned my face something fierce. My wife and daughter use it without burns but it doesn't seem to make a ton of difference. My wife uses it off and on and I can tell you it dries the hell out of her face even with the Proactiv moisturizer. I can tell when she's been using it just by looking at her. My daughter has only light, mild teenage acne and after using Proactiv for about a year we had to take her to the derm to get antibiotics. Recently, our doctor added birth control pills :eek: which are supposed to help with acne. Even the combination of Proactive, antibiotics, and birth control don't seem to make much of a difference for her. From watching her experience I'm not sure what to say about Proactiv. The failure might be a teenage thing as it seems to work wonders for Jessica Simpson and P. Diddy! This is another of those fairly harsh, cleansing lines that seem to work for some and not for others. I would ask for samples before buying as the stuff isn't cheap! Sorry if this wasn't too helpful.

FYI- Birth control and antibiotics don't mix well JUST IN CASE your daughter is "active." (and I'm sure she's not)

I've used 2.5% over-the-counter for spot work with decent results.
FWIW - instead of messing with expensive prescriptions you might have them try taking a multivitamin and cutting out (or at least limiting) fast food and soda.

Heck, just doing that I've probably lost 10 lbs. Now I just have to wait for summer when I'll have some time to work out again.
We had our 15 year old son on the Costco version for awhile with mediocre results. We switched to Proactiv and it worked much better. His acne is mild. The Proactiv is "more expensiver". One does pay for the marketing.

My daughter uses it. Every once in a while I get tired of paying the high price and have her try something else. She tried the costco brand and it didn't work. Proactive seems to work better for her than enything else she has tried.
I have never tried proactiv, but have a friend that uses (used?) it with little results.

When I was a teenager (not too long ago), I used accutane, and had extraordinary results when nothing, and I mean nothing, else worked. My acne wasn't horrible, but noticeable and persistent. My good friends from high school also used it with tremendous results.

I know accutane has some issues, and it should be taken seriously. And, while it has a bad rap and has been linked to suicidal tendencies, I can 100% say that the drug has done nothing but make me happier; it's amazing the confidence I gained when I had clear skin. I should also note that, to this day, I carry a lip balm in my pocket, as I need to constantly reapply it as the drug has, likely permanently, dried out my lips (they're not chapped, just feel dry). This is a noted side effect of the drug, and doesn't bother me at all. I just thought I'd share.

Long story short, if I could do it all over again, I'd get accutane as soon as possible. Good luck.

My wife and daughter both use the product with what they say is good results, who am I to argue (besides I know better).
I'll chime in that it DOES work (2.5% BP), but that I feel Proactiv itself is overpriced. There is a much cheaper seller of 2.5% BP online, at dankernsregimen.com (no affiliation with them). Best of luck.

If you wanna check out some reviews about this sort of thing you can check out www.makeupalley.com It consists of mostly women onboard however there's a few men who chime in once in awhile. This place provides reviews for almost anything.
FYI- Birth control and antibiotics don't mix well JUST IN CASE your daughter is "active." (and I'm sure she's not)

I've used 2.5% over-the-counter for spot work with decent results.

She better not be!!!! She goes to an all girls Catholic high school and so seems more boy crazy than most public school girls in the neighborhood, that's for sure!!! And I'm sure the neighbor public school boys have the same impression of Catholic school girls that I did growing up. I just hope we haven't created a monster!!! :eek:
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