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Outsmarted by a Darwin universal

Hi all

As per earlier post, I have just received my Darwin universal which is in a definite need of a clean and a service. I'm trying to disassemble but can't see any instructions, does anyone know how to get the strop out as it doesn't want to budge




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Hi Jackp93
Belatedly, I have recently stumbled upon your post; I want to add to the original Darwin instructions posted by pjgh.
After lifting up the retaining lever to the stropping plate, take great care to hold it in the upright position when removing or replacing the plate, to avoid the bottom of the lever gouging the leather. When removing the stropping plate, pulling out the carriage allows access to the end of the plate to help to push it out of the box. As per the instructions, keep the stropping clip in the upright locked position when removing or replacing the stropping plate. When the blade requires honing on a stone, tape the spine with excess tape either side to create handles with which to hold the blade (makes honing easier and less bloody). The handle and blade holder stores neatly in the spring clip with the rear of the blade holder recessed in the circular hole in the bottom of the assembly in front of the spring clip. I see from your photographs that your model does not have a second blade holder fitted to the inside of the lid, so the blade has to be stored in the blade holder/handle assembly; I see so many photographs online of blades being stored in the stropping clip - easiest way in which to ding the blade edge, by pulling out the carriage (thereby lifting up the clip and blade edge) when the lid is closed or only partially open…

The Darwin is a stunning razor and stropping system, although a tad heavy for use as a travel razor. It can be used either as a safety razor or as a straight razor (without the blade holder but make sure that the screw thread on the handle is kept fully tightened in the side hole in the blade when shaving) as shown in a cheeky Christmas advertisement of the day:

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