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Private Reserve any good?

I found a VERY small, family owned local pen store that sells Private Reserve inks. They have both bottles and the cartridges. Since I am not a big pen person, the B&B pen is my first nice pen. Is Private Reserve a well known and liked ink? They sell the bottles for 9.00 and the cartridges for 5.00 for a pack of 12 which sounds pretty decent.

Any thoughts?
From the samples I've had no complaints. Not all colors are created equal and will behave differently in different pens.

I ordered some Super Violet today.
Like many lines, some of the ink offerings are great. Others, not so much. If I could find them locally I would not hestiate to purchase.
Their Ebony Purple is one of my current favorites. With a very fine nib, it comes out as a slightly ambiguous but interesting color that is purple on close inspection. With a broader, wetter nib, it can look simply black, but their are still hints of purple there.

Also tried Black Cherry (basically a brown), and Fiesta Red. Both nice enough colors, and no complaints about the ink performance.

The only caution would be to be very careful opening the bottle for the first time. The caps tend to be very tight, and then suddenly come loose. I discovered this without incident, but I could imagine jerking the bottle and spilling. I've also seen other people mention this before.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I would like to warn that I have had staining issues with PR inks and celluloid pens.

I feel this needs to be said, I don't want to start any ink wars or hurt anyone's feelings.
I like PR inks, I feel they have a very good "bang for the buck" factor. If I could get them locally like you, I would jump all over it!
I picked up the Tropical Blue but the store had a huge variety of PR in their store. At 9.00, I thought it a pretty good deal.
I picked up the Tropical Blue but the store had a huge variety of PR in their store. At 9.00, I thought it a pretty good deal.

I think you may have won a recent vote around here recently, but im not entirely sure, as someone cheated the whole cheating thing

I have a few PR samples, but they were black and a kind of black lol i remember them writing very well, but they came in with some stunning colours and kind of fell off the map, maybe i need to re visit them as i still have some left
I've got PR Fiesta Red and DC Supershow Green. Both are good performers...these colors are very basic red and green, which is exactly what I wanted.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I would like to warn that I have had staining issues with PR inks and celluloid pens.

I feel this needs to be said, I don't want to start any ink wars or hurt anyone's feelings.
Sounds like Noodler's. Thanks for the heads-up.
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