I'm wondering if someone here can give me an idea of what a razor might be worth. A buddy of mine at work gave me a Torrey with original case that had been sitting in his tool box for years. It's about 5/8" and looks to be around 1/4 ground (definitely a heavy grind) with a barber notch. When he gave it to me it was definitely in rough shape, but looked restorable. I sent it to gssixgun to see what he could do with it. I recently got it back and it is beautiful. Looks almost new. I want to get my buddy something as a thank you for giving me the razor, I'm thinking a twelve pack as he is a big beer fan. Depending on the value of the razor will depend what beer he gets. High value might be a really nice beer from one of the local micro-brewers. Lower value might be a twelver of Hamms. 
Thanks all!
BTW...if you have a razor to be honed or restored I highly recommend gssixgun. Excellent work and he was an absolute pleasure to work with!

Thanks all!
BTW...if you have a razor to be honed or restored I highly recommend gssixgun. Excellent work and he was an absolute pleasure to work with!